7 Verses 1-10, Babylon will eventually be repaid for living in such luxury at the expense of so many others in the world being in poverty, Rev 18:6-8.
8 A Hebrew idiom rebuking Babylon for luring her allies into a state of security only to strip them later of their wealth and freedom.
9 Yer 51:7, Rev 17:4
10 The Hebrew word for violence here is Hamas.
11 Verses 18-19, Babylon has become the land of idolatry (Yer 50:38); not only does she worship idols but the very lifestyle of Babylon has become idolatrous and an abomination to Yehovah. For this reason Yehovah gives 7 direct commands for His people to leave Babylon before He will totally destroy it (Rev 18:4, Yer 51:45).
12 As where Babylon will be completely destroyed, Yehovah’s dwelling place is in Yerushalayim, Yoel 2:32, Yoel 3:16-17, 21.
13 Chapter 3 is a prophetic account given by Habakkuk showing the return to earth of Yehoshua and the kingdom about to be set up. Yehovah starts in verse 1 :5 telling Habakkuk that “He will work a work in this end time that would be so great he almost could not believe it”, and here He is giving the fruition of that work with the return of Messiah to the earth.
1 Zephaniah, which means “ Yehovah will hide” was a prophet of noble birth and the great grandson of king Hezekiah.
2 Although the scroll is written about Yehudah's soon coming captivity, the underlining message throughout the scroll is the end time period called “ The Day of Yehovah”. Many prophecies are written this way with dual fulfillments.
3 Elohim is showing the great contrast to His wrath in the end time, where there will be famine, pestilence and death everywhere on earth; to the joy of His kingdom when all people will enjoy the fruit of their labor, Is 65:21-24.
4 Verses 14-15, Clearly referencing the end time, Amos 5:18-20, Yoel 2:1-2.
5 These were occupants of the southern coast of the Philistines who had their roots in Crete.
6 It is a common theme in the end time to see the nations around Yisrael being cursed for their treatment of her and their continual threat to try to destroy her.
7 “clear lip” or a pure language. The original Hebrew language is implied. In the original Hebrew alphabet there are 22 letters and 5 letters that have a different writing if they appear at the end of a word. In this verse, amazingly, all 27 letter variants are listed.
8 Verses 8-20 are all about the millennial restoration of the land and people of Yisrael.
1 The foundation of the sanctuary had been built but due to oppression the work had stopped and the people were saying it was not time to finish the work on the house of Yehovah.
2 Verses 3-6, Haggai as many of the others prophets, has many parallels with the end time. Here Yehovah is rebuking the people for caring for their own possessions as His sanctuary lays in ruins.
3 Yehoshua and Zerubbabel are a type of the 2 end time witnesses of Yehovah in Rev 11.
4 Solomon's sanctuary had been overtaken by Nebuchadnezzar about 65 years earlier, so some of the people alive here actually saw Solomon's' temple and now they were weeping as they saw this sanctuary that was much smaller and less in grandeur than the previous one.
5 Ps 24:1
6 A prophecy of the glory that will be in the Messianic sanctuary.
7 Verses 11-14, If something is set apart or set apart by Elohim it can not make something else that is defiled become set apart. However, if something is set apart to Elohim and touches something defiled, then the set apart item becomes defiled. The parallel was that the set apart nation had mixed with the defiled things of the other nations and now had become completely defiled.
8 The promise was that if Yisrael would change their heart in building this sanctuary, then Yehovah would turn their curse into a blessing and provide for them from that day and forward. This also shows Elohim's mercy and forgiveness if one will simply turn from their wicked ways and repent. Eze 18:21-23.
9 The the items mentioned in verse 19 are part of the 7 species for Sukkot. Elohim is stating that it is not too late to turn His curse into a blessing on the nation if they would truly repent and turn back to Him.
10 A signet ring was one that sealed documents and covenants and this phrase is showing Yehovah’s lasting promise to one day bring back a king of Yisrael in the Messianic age.
1 Zechariah means “Yehovah remembers” and is an end time prophetic scroll about the returning of Yerushalayim to Yehudah and also the Messiah returning.
2 Rev 6:2-4
3 A messenger of Yehovah was showing Zechariah the vision.
4 In the end times not only is there rampant immorality in the world, but they added to Yehovah’s anger by continuing to work toward dividing Yerushalayim and making a Palestinian state, Yoel 3:1-2.
5 This refers to both the second sanctuary being built and also the millennial sanctuary by the Messiah, Zech 6:12-13.
6 Horns in scripture represent power.
7 Interesting enough, there is a group called the quartet (group of 4) made up of the USA, EU, UN, and Russia that their sole purpose is to divide Yerushalayim and make a Palestinian state. This group is made up of men who are free-masons, although craft masons are mentioned, free-masons originate from craft masons and still hold the symbols of the compass and square, signs of a craft worker.
8 “Unwalled villages” indicating security from attack, which will happen when Messiah returns, Lev 25:18-19.
9 One of the 7 direct commands for Yehovah’s elect to flee end time Babylon before it is completely destroyed for it's immorality and also for being the main instigator for having Yerushalayim divided.
10 For much of the 6,000 yr history of mankind Yehovah has allowed man to make his own decisions and then reap what he has sowed. However, in the end time due to man's wickedness and The adversary's intervention of trying to thwart Yehovah’s plan of redeeming the nation and people of Yisrael, Yehovah is now directly involved in world affairs and His wrath will shortly follow.
11 The adversary is the accuser of the brethren and his very name in Hebrew means “adversary”.
12 It is Yehovah who has the power to rebuke The adversary not man, and this must be remembered when dealing with the ruach world, Yehudah 1:9, Acts 19:15-16.
13 All human being have sinned (Ro 3:23), and this is symbolic of those who have washed their garments with the blood of Yehoshua being made clean and reigning with Him at His return, Rev 19:7-9, Rev 7:13-17.
14 The crown of the priestly garment, Rev 5:10.
15 The servant of Yehovah is Yehoshua His son, Zech 6:12-13, Is 42:1-7, Is 53, Ps 2:7-12, Is 9:6-7 Pr 30:4.
16 “Seven eyes” see Rev 4:5. To remove the iniquity of the nation in a day see Is 66:7-10.
17 These two are representative of the two witnesses in Rev 11:1-6.
18 The Hebrew word for “curse” here is “Allah”.
19 An ephah is a measuring basket like a barrel about the size of a small satellite that is orbited into space.
20 Shinar is Babylon (Gen 11:2). It is interesting to note that 2 women come out of the ephah and the Hebrew word picture for Babylon is “when there are two heads of the family”, which brings “confusion”, the very definition of Babylon. Judicial order has been mostly forgotten in USA/Babylon in these end times.
21 Verses 12 & 13 are referring to the Messiah returning and building the sanctuary of Yehovah. 'Between the two of them” is referring to the office of king and priest. Whereas in the earthly sanctuary the priests were from the tribe of Levi and the king from Yehudah in this millennial sanctuary Messiah Yehoshua will be both king and priest from the Melchizedek who was a king and priest.
22 Not the word used earlier for turban (3:5), but a kingly crown, Rev 19:12.
23 These would be resurrected Israelites (Eze 37:1-14) who will partake with Messiah in the rebuilding of the sanctuary of Yehovah.
24 Verses 1-10, Yerushalayim is Yehovah’s eternal capital and He will dwell there forever with His people. Yehoshua will be reigning during the millennium and then, Yehovah the Father will come to earth after that and be with the people from Yerushalayim, 1Cor 15:23-24, Rev 21:1-4. Verse 10, today all of Yisrael's neighbors are against them, but that ruach will change when Messiah appears, Is 19:23-25.
25 Whenever you see the millennial covenant blessings laid out in scripture, you always see the blessing of the land and the cyclical harvest of abundance of food, Lev 26:9-11, Yoel 2:18-27.
26 Fast of the 4th new moon was to commemorate Nebuchadnezzar breaching the walls, the 5th new moon was for the burning of the sanctuary, the 7th new moon was Yom Kippur, and the 10th new moon was to mourn for the beginning of Nebuchadnezzar's first attack. In the millennial kingdom these fasts will be turned into feast days.
27 In the millennium all nations will worship Yehovah, Is 2:2-3, Ps 86:9, Zech 2:11, Zech 14:16, Mic 4:2
28 Some equate chapter 9:1-8 with Alexander the Great who road a large white horse when he went to conquer nations. Here in verse 9 though, the Messiah is reckoned with riding a donkey, a sign of humility. Yehoshua fulfilled this scripture in Math 21:4-5.
29 The Messiah's reign would be worldwide with universal shalom.
30 Verses 10-11, Through hope in the Messiah both Yehudah and Ephraim would be saved from the spiritual prison house that their sins had brought them to (Is 61:1, 49:8-9).
31 This is speaking of household deities called teraphim that were used in divination and strictly forbidden according to the Torah Deut 18:9-14, Hos 3:4-5.
32 “From him” speaking of Yehudah out of which the messiah would come.
33 During the millennial kingdom all Yisrael will know and walk only in the name of Yehovah and no other names of false deities Is 42:8.
34 Verses 1-9 shows the rejection of the nation of the fulfilling of the covenant when Messiah appears.
35 There are two staffs; one is 'union', which is the brotherhood of Yehudah and Ephraim and one is 'grace' in which the messiah will redeem Yisrael by His shed blood for the penalty of their sins Lev 17:11.
36 30 pieces of silver was the lowest price of human life in that of a slave and shows that the Messiah did not come for only the rich but for all people who repent of their sins and accept His shed blood as payment for the penalty of their sins (Acts 2:37-39). The priests paid Yehudah 30 silver pieces for Yehoshua, which money was taken out of the treasury in which all the sacrifices of the sanctuary were paid with (Math 27:3-10).
37 Since Yehudah rejected Yehoshua's sacrifice and the New Covenant agreement, He sent His talmidim to the lost sheep of Yisrael (Math 10:6) therefore breaking the brotherhood between Yehudah and Ephraim.
38 Verses 15-17 references Simon Bar-Kokhba, the man that rabbi Akiva named as messiah in place of Yehoshua. Bar-Kokhba was a ruthless man who was brutal to those who were against him.
39 Verses 1-3 is an end time prophecy about how the nations will look at Yerushalayim. It is quite interesting to look at Yerushalayim today that produces no commodity such as oil, but yet most will say that not dividing Yerushalayim is the cause holding up world shalom.
40 Today the tiny nation of Yisrael is the 4th or 5th most power military might in the world fulfilling this amazing prophecy. Only during the reign of king Solomon did Yisrael ever have such military prowess.
41 In this glorious day when Yehoshua Messiah returns, the House of Yehudah will accept Him and the sacrifice He made to fulfill the 1st covenant by His shed blood.
42 This is referring to the slaying of good king Josiah by Pharaoh Necco, 2Kgs 23:29.
43 Notice that the lineage of Nathan and not Solomon is mentioned as Yehoshua came from this line, Luk 3:31.
44 The Messiah here is also named the equal or associate of Yehovah, Phil 2:5-11.
45 2/3's of the people will perish at this time and the last third will be purified through tribulation, Ezek 5:2-4, 12.
46 This is the battle identified in Yoel 3:12 that will happen upon the return of Messiah to the Mount of Olives.
47 This is Yehoshua Yehovah returning to earth, to the Mount of Olives, from where He ascended from (Acts 1:9-12). Yah Yehovah the Father does not come to earth till after the millennium is over, 1 Cor 15:23-24, Rev 21:1-4.
48 Yehoshua Yehovah the son will be reigning for Yehovah the Father during the 1,000 millennial kingdom. Ps 110:1-5
49 This is due to the wrath of Yehovah on the world for sin and iniquity and their continual oppressing of Yisrael, Is 24:1-6.
50 Verses 16-19, During the millennium, representatives from all nations will come up to Yerushalayim and worship Yehovah during the feast of Sukkot. This is also called the feast of ingathering (Ex 23:16), and represents the re-gathering of all Yisrael in the messianic kingdom Yer 16:14-16.
1 Malachi means “my messenger” and is the last scroll of the Tanach written around 400-450 B.C. The scroll starts by telling why Yehovah had punished His people but then turns and gives prophesies for the end time including that a second Eliyahu would appear before the messianic kingdom.
2 The name of Yehovah has been despised in the end times by exchanging the Creator's true name with pagan names such as “god”. Gawd is the personal name of the Babylonian deity, see Is 65:11.
3 The priests were promising to Elohim an offering but in the end exchanging it with something defiled. Yehovah states that they would not do this to a worldly leader and it is also unacceptable to Him.
4 In the millennial kingdom all will worship the Creator by His true family name of Yehovah.
5 The people were doing the same as the priests and vowing one thing but in the end bringing another. Once one vows something to Elohim it is then set apart and cannot be changed.
6 The Hebrew word here for curse is “Allah”.
7 Verses 7-9, the priests should be teaching the people the Torah but instead were twisting it for their own benefit. Much the same is happening today in organized religion.
8 Upon Yehudah's return to the land under Ezra some were intermarrying with pagan women which was strictly forbidden according to the Torah. Ezra 9:1-2, Neh 13:23-29, Ex 34:15-16, Deut 7:3-4, Jos 23:12-13,1Kgs 11:1-6.
9 Verses 14-16, Elohim is also rebuking the people for divorcing their spouses, in which He states that He hates divorce. Marriage is a sacred covenant that once entered into only the death of one partner can dissolve the agreement, Mk 10:2-12, Gen 2:24.
10 Not only were the people exchanging good for evil, but they also said Elohim must be pleased with this since immediate judgment did not come, Is 5:18-20, Eccl 8:11.
11 In ancient times a messenger would go before a kingly delegation and fix the road of any potholes, etc, to make the path smooth for the king. Yochanan the Immerser fulfilled this scripture (Math 11:10) by going before Yehoshua preaching repentance to make the path to salvation smoother and there will also be a fore-runner before Yehoshua's second coming Rev 11:3-4. The Messenger of Yehovah was Yehoshua, who will rebuild the sanctuary of Yehovah at His return, Zech 6:12-13.
12 Luk 12:49, Rev 19:11-16, Rev 1:7, 13-18
13 The redemption of Yisrael in the end times is not due to Yisrael's goodness, but because of Yehovah’s faithfulness in His promise to Abraham, (Gen 17:1-8, Eze 36:22-24).
14 The tithe is set apart to Yehovah and set apart for His work. Here, the people were not paying Yehovah’s tithe and in essence stealing from Him. Until Yehovah’s 10% is given the other 90% does not belong to the person either. Also, offerings were commanded on the pilgrim feasts, ( Deut 16:16).
15 One of the first things being recognized with the end time remnant is the acknowledgment of the true name of Yehovah.
16 A reference to King Messiah. “Healing will be on His wings”, this is the most extreme part of His garment or the tassel, Math 9:20-21.
17 Here in the end time Yehovah is telling His covenant people to remember the Torah that Mosheh gave on Mount Sinai. A clear reference that the Torah was never done away with as many Christians falsely assume today, Math 5:17-20, Ps 111:.7-10.
18 Yochanan the Immerser fulfilled this role at Yehoshua's first coming (Math 11:14) and again, there will also be another person fulfilling this role in the end time.
1 Psalm 1, as with many of the Psalms gives a clear distinction between the righteous (those keeping the Torah Ps 119:172) and the wicked, those sinning and disobeying Torah. Sin is defined as breaking the Torah 1Joh 3:4.
2 This second Psalm not only distinguishes the Messiah reigning under Yehovah, but shows that the Messiah is the son of Yehovah, Pr 30:4, Ps 89:26-27.
3 David frequently used the sacred name of Yehovah and glorified it, singing praises it it often.
4 Ex 23:13
5 Verses 3-6 are quoted in Heb 2:6-8 showing the great potential that mankind has been created for.
6 The family name of Yehovah is the most imperial and superior name in all the universe.
7 Yerushalayim is Yehovah’s eternal capital and headquarters, 1 Kgs 14:21, Yoel 2:32, Yoel 3:17, 21, Mic 4:2, Ps 48:1-3.
8 The word for salvation in Hebrew is “Y'shuah”, and shows that the Messiah will be named “Yehoshua” or Yehovah’s salvation, Ex 23:21.
9 Evil men lie with their tongues and manipulate people.
10 The true person of Yehovah is one that has character and keeps his word at all cost and is not double minded, but loyal to Yehovah in all things.
11 Yehovah the Father raised up Yehoshua from the grave on the third day after His death, Acts 2:25-26, Acts 13:34-35.
12 Verses 25-26, to those with the mind of Elohim they see Yehovah’s great mercy and love but to those who are selfish, self-righteous, and corrupt, even the ways of Yehovah, the perfect merciful Elohim, seem corrupt in their warped, perverted eyes.
13 The Hebrew word used here for violent is Hamas, the same name as the Palestinian terror group.
14 Verses 30-50 are fully messianic and describe the great trust the Messiah has in Yehovah and even names the Messiah as Yehoshua in verses 46, and 50.
15 Verses 1-6 is showing Yehovah’s complete might by the circular pattern of the sun's revolution going out and returning each new year from equinox to equinox.
16 Verses 7-10 is showing the perfectness of Yehovah’s Torah and how obedience to it only brings blessings in life.
17 They are rejoicing at the presence of Yehoshua the Messiah. Setting up banners is a messianic term that the messiah is coming to redeem the 12 tribes of Yisrael who each had their own banner.
18 There is a word play here with “saves” which is “hoshua” and “salvation”, Yehovah’s Messiah and right hand man (Ps 110:1, 5)
19 Yehovah is a family name consisting of Yah Yehovah the Father (Ps 68:4) and Yehoshua Yehovah the son.
20 The right hand in ancient times was the hand of strength and the right hand of Yehovah is His Messiah, Yehoshua who will fight for Him against all enemies Ex 15:6, Ps 110:1, 5, Is 63:5, 8-10. Ps 98:1-3.
21 Verses 6-8 shows the rejection of the Messiah and the blasphemy that He was subject to, even at His death Math, 27:39-43.
22 This condition would have been very common considering the amount of blood that Yehoshua lost in 2 scourgings and being crucified.
23 The Masoretic text takes the word for pierced in Psalm 22:16 (a clear crucifixion Psalm) kaaru and changes the last letter from a vav to a yud. The change of letter changes the meaning from pierced my hands, and feet, to lion, as in “as a lion they are at my hands and feet”. The Septuagint has pierced from the original Hebrew kaaru not kaari. According to the Dead Sea Scrolls dated about 100 BCE, the Hebrew Word in verse 16 is kaaru “pierced” and not lion. Not only that but the Aramaic Peshitta also agrees with the Septuagint.
24 This is probably David's most beautiful psalm showing his total trust and appeasement with Yehovah as his shepherd. Being a shepherd himself David knew that in order for a sheep to feel totally content he must have security, food, water, and he must feel safety under the hand of his shepherd. David is showing in this psalm that no matter what else is around him, that his trust and security in Yehovah is all that he needs for contentment.
25 This compared to a sheep having no pasture and stagnant water to drink. However with Yehovah as shepherd there will always be abundance of food and water for peaceful living.
26 The rod is to fight off predators and the staff is to gently lead the sheep when they go off track. The rod and staff could also be compared to the Torah in the 1st covenant and Yehovah’s grace in the New Covenant.
27 This was customary treatment of an honored guest at a banquet and shows Yehovah’s abundance to those in covenant relationship with Him.
28 All material to make any possession on earth belongs to Yehovah the Creator and even the people whom He created. One should not feel guilt by being blessed with mammon but should use all such blessings for the furtherance of the kingdom and not simply for individual gain.
29 Verses 7-10 is a triumphed melody of the coming Messianic King ready to take the kingdom.
30 Math 5:5
31 The Hebrew word used here for violent is Hamas.
32 Clearly David knew Yehoshua personally (Ps 110:1) and also that He was the Messiah and salvation of Yehovah’s.
33 It is a direct commandment not to take the personal name of Yehovah in vain (Ex 20:7). In vain means to change, falsify or make common. Taking the personal name of Yehovah and changing it to “lord” or “god' is clearly violating this commandment and we see here in this verse that true covenant believers are also commanded to give glory to the only personal name of the Creator, Yehovah.
34 Inside the sanctuary of Yehovah under the set apart of Holies was a natural spring in which an inexhaustible flow of water always was flowing.
35 In this most heartfelt lament David is grieved beyond measure at what has become of his life and how sick he has become. Only Yehovah’s grace will comfort him.
36 David's trust is in the eternal promises of Yehovah and His kingdom for protection in His true tabernacle (booth) Rev 7:15-17.
37 Leviticus 17:11 states there is no forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood. Eze 18:23 states that Yehovah takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that they turn from their way and repent. The problem being since all humans have committed crimes worthy of death, according to the heavenly court only by accepting the shed blood of Yehoshua Messiah to pay the penalty of those sins can one have the penalty of those sins paid for and receive eternal life.
38 There are 2 steps to atonement with Yehovah. One is the forgiveness of the sin and the second (according to Torah) is restitution for what was taken by the sin. Since Yehoshua magnified the Torah and shows that anger is murder and lust is adultery, He showed all humans have committed sins that carry the death penalty and since Torah shows “eye for eye” and “life for life”, one must accept the shed blood of Yehoshua Messiah to redeem their life from the death penalty that their sins have brought them.
39 Faith is a per-requisite for salvation
40 Yisrael had the blessing of being the nation out of all the earth that Yehovah had chosen for Himself, Amos 3:1-2
41 To pray to or trust in any other personal name for Elohim than Yehovah is unacceptable, Ex 22:20, Ex 23:13. Elohim has many titles El Shaddai, El Elyone, but only one personal name . The name “god” is the personal name of the Babylonian deity and is NOT Yehovah’s name.
42 The Messenger of Yehovah in the Old Testament is the being who became the salvation of Yehovah or Yehoshua His son, Ex 23:20-21.
43 The fear of Yehovah is not just simply being afraid but is also being in awe and in reverence to Him and His Torah and also being obedient to His servants that He administers on the earth. It is a total surrender to the will of Yehovah and dying to our own human nature.
44 Those who accept the sacrifice of Yehovah’s servant have great reason to rejoice.
45 A continual theme that you see in the Psalms is that the humble who fear Yehovah will be redeemed and saved by His salvation (Yehoshua) but the prideful will be punished.
46 Being in the physical land of Yisrael was synonymous with being in covenant relationship in the Tanach. Even when Yisrael went into Diaspora there hope was always in being restored to the land of Yisrael.
47 Math 5:5
48 Good hearted people will always help the poor, but evil people will borrow and give the commitment to repay, but will never do so. Their word is useless.
49 To a righteous man, the Torah is written on his heart, Ps 119:172.
50 Ps 90:9-12
51 Verses 6 -8, Some of the strongest Messianic verses in the entire bible, as verse 6 correctly states that Yehovah did not delight in sacrifices of animals (Yer 7:21-23), but they were a mere shadow of the sacrifice of His servant, the Messiah. Both the Septuagint and New Testament (Heb 10:5-10) have this verse correctly translated as it is here, but the Masoretic text changed this verse to say “ you have opened up my ears” clearly a mistranslation of the older texts mentioned.
52 Verses 9-10, The servant of Yehovah here is stating that His job will be to speak the truth of Yehovah to the house of assembly and bring Yehovah’s salvation to Yisrael; that is why His name will be “Yehoshua” or Yah's salvation.
53 Verses 6-10- Here are messianic insert scriptures which are common throughout the Tanach. Verses 1-5, and 11-17 David is speaking to Yehovah, but verses 6-8, and 9-10, it is not David speaking but a prophecy of the Messiah.
54 Verses 1-2, Yehovah in scripture is compared to living water as in ancient times water was life. In Yisrael, the rainy season is from Nov-Mar, and then there is no rain at all for 6-7 new moons so people had to make cisterns and save every drop of water they could for the long hot summers. Abundant rain meant abundant harvest and blessing from Yehovah, no rain meant famine and curses. This is why at the sanctuary of Yehovah in Yerushalayim there was an inexhaustible natural spring of water right under the set apart of Holies where the priest would gather water for the daily sacrifices and washings (See Ps 29.3, 10-11).
55 In verse 5 the Psalmist states he will thank Yehoshua to His face for the salvation that He will bring and here in verse 11, he is also thanking Elohim for sending the Savior.
56 Once again the psalmist is yearning for redemption back to the land and knows that this will only come through Elohim sending His messenger, the Messiah.
57 Even in the Old Covenant, it was the servant or messenger of Yehovah who saved for Yehovah and not the people redeeming themselves. It was the right hand of Yehovah, the very “light of His face” that saved the people for Him.
58 The name of Yehovah will be forever praised.
59 Verses 1-4, clearly a messianic Psalm as no king of Yisrael would exult such praise as this, except the Messiah.
60 Verses 5-7 now reveal that not only is this speaking about the Messiah, but He is also called Elohim. Then in verse 7, The Messiah who is called Elohim also has an Elohim above Him. This is another dogmatic proof that Yehovah is a family name consisting of Yah Yehovah the Father and Yehoshua Yehovah the son, who is the servant and messenger of Yehovah the Father and His very son, Ps 2:7, Pr 30:4, Mk 1:11.
61 Yehoshua was buried with myrrh spices Joh 19:39-40. Myrrh was a spice that could only get the smell of the fragrance by beating it, as He was beaten before His crucifixion.
62 King Messiah will be exulted by Yehovah to be the greatest name to be remembered forever (Phil 2:5-11).
63 Ps 46 is all about Elohim being a refuge for the people during the great time of distress on the earth and then, Yehovah dwelling with His people during the millennial reign. Mathew 25 speaks about the 10 virgins, and how half were wise and preparing and half were not. Also, Rev 12:13-14 shows the wise virgins being taken to a place of protection during this most turbulent time.
64 Eze 47:1-12, Rev 22:1-2.
65 Ps 47 continues with the theme of Ps 45 and 46 of the Messiah being Elohim and coming to earth to reign over Yisrael and protect them.
66 Now it is even being more specific of Yehovah reigning in Yerushalayim in His set apart Mountain, Mount Zion in the city of David (2Chron 5:2). “The City of the Great King” Math 5:35, speaking of Yerushalayim, where Yehoshua also known by the title Melchizedek is called “King of Yerushalayim”, Heb 7:1-2.
67 Yehovah does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they would turn from their wicked way and repent, Eze 18:20-23.
68 Even though all humans that have ever lived have died, man in his vanity somehow avoids the thought of death and gathers mammon on this earth as if he is going to live forever.
69 Verses 16-20, the point being made is there is no need to be jealous of people when they accumulate riches as they will shortly die and cannot take it with them. The much better road is to build righteous character that will follow into the resurrection and eternal life.
70 The ancient blood covenant had nine steps; the third step was cutting an animal in two and walking through the pieces in a figure eight and then standing face to face to give your vows to your covenant partner, Gen 15:10, 17-18.
71 It is those who are humble and correctable and give thanksgiving to Elohim that Yehovah will reveal Yehoshua to in their life. The Septuagint has this verse slightly different as ““Whoever sacrifices thanks glorifies Me and there/then will I show him a way in Yehoshua Elohim”.
72 Verses 1-4 one can see clear humility and a repentant heart, which is required to receive Elohim's grace and forgiveness.
73 David had Elohim's ruach.
74 See note on Yer 7:22.
75 Verses 18-19- Dan 9:25 states that Messiah will come 483 yrs after the walls and city of Yerushalayim are built and then, Yehovah will be pleased with sacrifices as Messiah Yehoshua will make the ultimate sacrifice by dying Himself for the sins of the people Dan 9:26, Is 53:8, 10-12.
76 When Yehovah gives Yehoshua to return to Yisrael there will be great rejoicing.
77 This a repeated prayer on the same subject of deliverance from his enemies.
78 The Hebrew word for violence here is Hamas.
79 Showing that Elohim cares about each small aspect of our life and nothing goes without His recognition of it.
80 This shows the importance of child rearing from birth, Pr 22:6.
81 This verse in the Hebrew delineates more than one Elohim judging, showing the plurality of the Elohim family consisting of Yehovah the Father and Yehoshua the son.
82 David is asking for punishment for the wicked sins of pride and evil speaking, Math 12:34-37, Ps 39:1, Ja 3:2, 5-10.
83 Eternal life is a free gift of Yehovah that is granted by the blood of Yehoshua after repentance from sin, but ones position where he will be rewarded depends on the fruit that he will produce in this life Joh 15:1-8, Is 63:11, Math 16:27, Rev 22:12, Math 25:14-29.
84 The Hebrew word used here for atone is “kappar”. The same word used for Yom Kippur or the day of atonement, showing Yehovah’s atoning sacrifice for those seeking Him.
85 In verse 5 we now see that Yehovah’s atonement comes through His salvation or His “Yehoshua ”.
86 Verses 9-13 show the circular pattern of the presence of Elohim throughout the year. The year begins after the sun makes its complete circle past the equator at the spring equinox and then because of the winter rains from Elohim the grain harvest is ready, and the flower buds turn into the fall fruit. Also, in verses 12-13 even the flock animals are benefiting from Elohim's guidance in His Promised Land Deut 11:9-15.
87 It is a most wonderful honor to sing and give glory to the personal name of Yehovah. How sad that most have been deceived by religious authorities to call the Creator by the name “god”, which is the personal name of the Babylonian deity. See note on Is 65:11. Yehovah will not give the glory due to His name to pagan deities, Is 42:8, Ps 96:8, Ps 68:4.
88 A hill near Shechem.
89 Zech 1:12-17
90 Dan 7:18, Ps 5:11, Is 56:6, Those who love the set apart name of Yehovah will inherit the land of Yisrael and dwell in it forever.
91 In this messianic psalm, it is looking forward to King Messiah reigning over all the earth. The term from “the River” is referring to the Euphrates River Gen 15:18.
92 Verses 11-14- In a kingdom setting a king owns everything, but he also provides for all his citizens and it is a shame for a king to have even one citizen who is poor or lacking.
93 Verses 3-14 could be misleading until Elohim's word is taken into account, which assures the destruction of the wicked in verses 18-20, 27.
94 In Scripture there are only 2 seasons, winter and summer (Gen 8:22). The seasons are separated by the sun revolving around the earth and passing the equator on the day of the vernal equinox Ps 19:1-6. In Hebrew the word for equinox is “Tekufah” and is the turning of the year, Ex 34:22. The agricultural year comes in at the spring equinox (tekufah) and goes out at the fall equinox at harvest time before Sukkot. The first day of Aviv and also Pesach could not be before the spring equinox and the fall set apart days had to be after the fall equinox.
95 Verses 2-3 are quoted in Mathew 13:35
96 Verses 5-8- The Torah is a moral code of conduct and the very character of Elohim. The people were commanded to teach it to their children from birth (Pr 22:6, Deut 6:5-7) to keep their belief in Yehovah for all generations. Turning from the Torah in rebellion is what got Yisrael destroyed and kicked out of the Promised Land of Yehovah.
97 Sin is the breaking of the Torah 1 Joh 3:4.
98 Verses 24-25- Some translations put “man ate the food of messengers”, but the Hebrew word “abiyr” means mighty ones and the verses are simply stating the manner was not normal food but food coming directly from heavenly intervention.
99 The keeping of the Torah is an act of belief for belief in the word of Yehovah and a requirement for eternal life (Math 19:17). In a kingdom setting the law of the king is binding and eternal and is for the well being and protection of the king's citizens.
100 This psalm is depicting the invasion by Babylon.
101 The plea here is not because of the righteousness of Yisrael to intervene for help, but because of the promises that Yehovah made to Abraham to intervene for His set apart name sake, Eze 36:16-24. It also shows that only Yehoshua (Yah's salvation) can qualify to atone for the people's sins and redeem them.
102 Due to Yisrael's sins they were cursed 7 fold (Lev 26:18), the plea is to turn this curse on their enemies. In the end time Yisrael's punishment is put on Babylon for her treachery and destruction (Rev 18:20).
103 Clearly an end time fulfillment when Messiah returns and gathers Yisrael back to their land, Eze 37:15-28, Amos 9:14-15.
104 Verses 1-3 are an end time plea for Yehovah to revive the tribes of Yisrael that have been scattered worldwide due to their sin and rebellion. Verse 3 also gives the indication of a plea for spiritual revival as well as physical revival.
105 The Sea is the Mediterranean and the River is the Euphrates, both constitute the millennial boundaries promised to Abraham (Gen 15:18).
106 Verses 14-15- Yisrael quite often in scripture is pictured as a vine with a vineyard owner being Elohim. Is 5:1-7, Is 27:2-3, Yer 2:21, Yer 12:10, Eze 17:5-10, 19:10-14, Hos 10:1, 14:7, Mk 12:1-9, Joh 15:1-8.
107 Verses 17-19- A clear plea for Messiah to come and resurrect not only their physical life, but also their spiritual one (Hos 6:1-3, Eze 37:1-14).
108 The Hebrew word used for covered moon is “kesah” and literally means to be covered. This would make this verse speaking about the feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah), which would start the new moon at the conjunction (covered or dark moon) and not at the crescent sighting, which came from Babylon and paganism.
109 A clear description showing the plurality of the Elohim family and Yehovah judging in the heavenly court.
110 It is the wonderful potential of human beings to repent of their sins and be immersed in the family name of Yehovah and have an elder lay hands on them for the receiving of the Ruach H'Chodesh (set apart ruach) and become a literal child of Elohim, Joh 10:34, Rom 8:14-17.
111 Today in modern Yisrael their enemies have said that they will push Yisrael into the sea and blot out their memory forever. Yehovah will recompense Israel’s enemies in the end time for their treatment on His called out nation, Eze 36:1-7.
112 Verses 6-8- These are the modern nations of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, The Palestinian areas, with Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon. All of these nations mentioned were part of the Ottomen Turkish empire that ended in 1917 with the end of WW1. It seems from prophetic scriptures that this empire may rise again in the last days and that Turkey may be a leader in attacking Yisrael. This war has never taken place in antiquity and in modern times Mitsrayim has always been at the fore-front of war with Yisrael. However, here they are not mentioned.
113 The psalmist sees that being a doorkeeper in the House of Yehovah is much greater than being exulted in the tent of the wicked Ps 27:4, Ps 90:4, 1Chron 23:5.
114 All those in scripture who were servants of Yehovah and had a humble heart gave glory to His name Yehovah.
115 Verses 5-6- In this most royal psalm of Yehovah’s eternal inheritance being Mount Zion, He states that those who are blessed to be citizens of this royal city will be enjoying all the blessings and privileges that go along with the security of such an honor to be named to an eternal standing.
116 The Psalm is mostly messianic, and verses 26-27 clearly show that Yehovah is speaking of His firstborn, Yehoshua.
117 The covenant is with the seed of David and fulfilled in Yehoshua, who is a descendent of King David.
118 Verses 9-12- Mosheh pointedly shows here the vanity of life and that since it passes so quick that all effort by man should be to serve Elohim (Ps 49:11-14, Eccl 1:1-4,14).
119 Psalm 91 is a wonderful testimony to those who fully trust in Yehovah in times of trouble.
120 Verses 11-12- Yehoshua used this Psalm as well as other scriptures to fight The adversary who twisted scripture to try to pervert his view on Yehoshua, Math 4:6.
121 Verses 14-15- The protection of the believer comes by calling on the name of Yehovah.
122 The mention of such instruments shows that this is speaking about congregational worship on the Sabbath day.
123 Jac 1:27
124 The Torah is a menorah to ones feet (Ps 119:105) and a guide to righteous living. It was never meant to give salvation as man has a fallen nature and can only be redeemed by having their sins paid for by the blood of Yehoshua. However, after immersion and entering the New Covenant, Yehovah also gives His set apart ruach to the believer so that he can perform the righteous demand of the Torah in the everyday decisions that are made to serve Elohim and his fellow man (Ro 8:1-10). Apart from Yehovah’s ruach and the Torah it is mans vain attempt to do good instead of being good (Math 19:17).
125 Judgment simply means giving a just recompense for actions committed. So where in times past that decision was punishment due to sin, here it will be reward due to obedience to the Torah.
126 Even though one will reap what he sows, ultimately all humans need the grace of Yehovah for eternal life as all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of Yehovah, Rom 3:23.
127 The psalm starts by crying for justice against evil men, and then shows that the righteous who obey Torah will be rewarded and then shows Yehovah’s judgment on the wicked. In the end, one will reap what he sows and there is a day of judgment for all.
128 Verses 7-11- These verses are quoted verbatim in Hebrews 3:7-11 showing that without belief one cannot enter the kingdom of Yehovah (Heb 11:6).
129 The praise of our lips to give glory to the true name of Yehovah is our offering.
130 The name Yehovah alone is to be praised, Ps 96:8, Deut 28:58, Yer 16:21, Is 6:3.
131 Is 66:1
132 Every true prophet of scripture called on the true name of the Creator, Yehovah. Today many false prophets are rampant (Math 24:24), declaring false prophecies in the name of the Babylonian deity “god”. See note on Is 65:11.
133 Verses 1-7 parallel Psalm 15.
134 This psalm starts by foretelling the horrific experience that Yehudah will undertake in the Holocaust and then finishes with showing that after the Holocaust that Yisrael will be a nation again at the appointed time in the last days and then, the Messiah will appear.
135 This is exactly what happened in the crematoriums.
136 Verses 4-5-The prisoners in the concentration camps were so deprived of food that many were skin and bones and one could not even tell if it were a man or woman.
137 Yehudim were given yellow arm bands to wear and they were persecuted for doing no apparent wrong, only simply because they were Jewish.
138 When the wind blew in a certain direction people would literally have ashes of the burned bodies flying in their mouth.
139 “Appointed time” The Hebrew word “moed” which is the word for set apart or set apart time. At the precise time that Yisrael's punishment ended Yehovah made them a nation again.
140 A fore-look to archeology, which is a science of only about 140 yrs old.
141 1Kgs 8:43, Is 2:2, Ps 138:4, Ps 148:5,11.
142 Mount Zion, which is The original city of David (2Chron 5:2) was Yerushalayim. Today Yerushalayim has more than 1 million inhabitants and is more built up than ever before in its history.
1430 Clearly, the prophecy is written for the last generation (Math 24:32-34) and some from this generation that saw the Holocaust will see the Messiah appear. How many Holocaust survivors would have to be present at this glorious event is not mentioned, but only 2 people in Yehoshua’s time entered the promised land who were 20 and over who left Mitsrayim.
1441 Is 61:1-2
1452 Verses 21-22 - When Messiah returns all on earth will worship the glorious name of Yehovah.
146 Verses 1-4- This is a beautiful psalm of Yehovah’s grace and mercy and healing power. Verse 3- Yehovah promises to heal His chosen and forgives upon repentance, but when He takes away the human sickness as a result of the sin is fully His prerogative, whether it is immediate, later or even when the Kingdom arrives. This is where belief for healing comes in.
147 Verses 8-13- Show the beautiful mercy and grace of a most loving Creator even in man's inability to be righteous in the flesh. Yehoshua came to earth as a human to know the exact feelings and weaknesses that humans go through to be a most merciful High Priest to us, Heb 2:16-18, 4:14-16.
148 The promise is to those who not only believe in His commandments but to those who keep them. To say that one loves Yehovah, but they do not keep His commandments scripture calls them a liar 1Joh 2:3-5.
149 Both the messengers of heaven and the true ministers of Yehoshua on earth bless only the name of Yehovah and not the name of pagan deities, Is 42:8.
150 These three things are needed to sustain for life. The bread for sustenance, the oil for food and healing and the wine for blessing and joy, Num 18:12, Deut 11:14, 12:17, 18:4, Neh 10:39, 13:5.
151 The Hebrew word for season here is “moedim” the word for set apart day. The moon also rules the new moon as the new moon starts by the new moon conjunction and the day is ruled by the sun. When the sun is down (the absence of the sun) the day begins. In like manner at the dark of the moon the new moon begins. Yehovah would not have His people seek a crescent moon each new moon as many pagans worshiped the moon, sun and stars, (Deut 4:19).
152 Verses 8-11- Gen 13:14-5, 15:18, 17:7-8
153 Verses 13:16- Gen 12:10-20, 20:1-18, 26:11
154 Rom 1:21-25
155 Ps 106 is a brief history of how Yisrael continually rebelled and forsook Yehovah, but also about His great mercy, love and patience to still work with them even in their Diaspora due to His set apart name and promise made to Abraham. There are well over 100 scriptures of Yisrael's redemption as a nation in the end time in the Old and New Testament and we are living in the days to see Yehovah’s great redemptive work in Yisrael being a nation again.
156 Verses 7-9- Compare Psalm 60:6-8 showing the supremacy of Yisrael compared to their neighbors.
157 Verses 2-20 show that Yehovah although has great mercy for those who turn from their evil, and repent will not acquit the guilty who remain evil in their ways, Nah 1:3.
158 The word for master in Hebrew is “Adon”. However, when it is pluralized and vowel pointed as “ADONAI” this only can be referring to Elohim and here the Messiah is referred to by Adonai. It also shows that there are two Elohim beings. One being Yehovah the Father sitting on His throne in heaven and Yehoshua the son sitting off to His right hand showing equality with the Father (Phil 2:6). Math 26:64, Acts 2:33, Acts 7:55-56, Heb 1:3, 8:1, 10:10-13, 12:2, 1 Pe 3:22, Ro 8:34.
159 The Levitical order was an added temporary measure to bridge the people from their sin of the golden calf at Mount Sinai to the appearing of Messiah and the Melchizedek order. See notes on Hebrews chapter 7 and also Galatians chapter 3. See also lesson 12 of the bible study course at www.coyhwh.com .
160 Whereas in verse 1, the Messiah sitting at Yehovah’s right hand is called Adonai, now He is called Yehovah, showing Yehovah to be a family name consisting of Yah Yehovah the Father (Ps 68:4) and Yehoshua Yehovah the son (Acts 2:38).
161 At Messiah's return there will be great war and He will conquer all enemies, Zech 14:1-5, 12, Is 66:24, Eze 39:11-21, Rev 19:11-20.
162 “Hallel” in Hebrew means praise and Yah is the personal name of Yehovah the Father (Ps 68:4). So Hallelu- Yah means to give Praise to Yah Yehovah the Father.
163 Yehovah’s commandments are part of His character and stand forever.
164 The fear of Yehovah leads one to obedience and reverence to the name of Yehovah and the keeping of His commandments. The prideful and rebellious will neither recognize the name above every name “Yehovah” nor keep His commandments, as the third commandment requires us to give reverence to the family name of Yehovah.
165 Ps 19:7-11
166 It is one of the most amazing enigmas in all the scriptures that the personal name of Yehovah, which is in scripture almost 7,000 times and it is commanded to praise this name, glorify this name and honor this name that almost every translator since the printing press has taken out the personal name of Yehovah and replaced it with the personal name of the Babylonian deity called “god”. Please see note on Ex 3:15 and Is 65:11.
167 In scripture the dead are equated as sleeping in the earth (1Thes 4:15, Heb 7:60). No where in scripture is it ever stated that the reward of the dead is heaven; heaven is Yehovah’s throne, Is 66:1.
168 Indicating hope in a resurrection.
169 Ps 113-118 is called the “great hallel” or praise and is sung each Pesach by Yehudim for more than 2,000 yrs. Much of these verses are also messianic as here in Psalm 116. There were 4 wine cups that were drunk on Pesach. The first was the cup of blessing when the meal started (Luk 22:17), then was the 2nd cup with the meal, then the third cup was called the cup of Grace, this is the cup that represented Messiah's blood (Luk 22:20) and then the fourth cup was called the cup of salvation (Yehoshua) that only the Messiah could drink because it was the cup of His martyrdom, which is mentioned here. Also see Math 20:22, Joh 19:28:30.
170 It was the will of Yehovah that He would send His only son down to earth from heaven to pay the penalty of the sins of man (Joh 3:16).
171 This beautiful psalm which is written about the Torah is in the Hebrew alphabetical order in which each stanza is represented by 8 verses in which each verse starts with the same letter. The psalm is meant to show how all inclusive the Torah is for righteous instruction on living, however man is not righteous (Ro 7:7, 12-14) and that is why Messiah had to come to pay the penalty for the sins of breaking Yehovah’s Torah. The Torah stands forever and is the very character of Yehovah, Ps 111:7-10.
172 Verses 41-48- It is unimaginable that someone can read this psalm and ever think that Yehovah’s perfect eternal law of love would be abolished. It is wicked, sinful men who teach such heresy and the end result is a sinful nation that will lose salvation ( 1Joh 3:4, Ro 6:23)
173 The statutes and judgments of the Torah are meant to teach mankind how to love and serve Yehovah and his fellow man. When the Torah is removed mankind will follow his own human heart, which is wicked and evil (Yer 17:9).
174 It is pride that stops lawless preachers today from repenting of their sin and turning back to Yehovah’s perfect Torah.
175 The Torah has all the answers of wisdom for wise counsel to any problem in life.
176 Verses 97-104 show how keeping Yehovah’s Torah will make one spiritually wise and protect him from many evils in The adversary's world.
177 Just as a lighted runway will give direction in the dark of night, the Torah of Yehovah if followed will lead one to any answer in life.
178 Neutrality is of the devil, Yehovah’s way is a clear path of right and wrong and the true believer should always take a stand against evil based on the word of the Torah.
179 This is a phrase that any true believer should tell any teacher trying to say the Torah is done away with.
180 Yehovah will repay all those who have rebelliously disobeyed Him in the judgment day (Num 14:31, Is 24:1-6, Rev 20:11-15).
181 Due to the coming judgment, the psalmist loves the Torah of Yehovah because obedience to it leads to eternal life, Deut 10:12-13.
182 The psalmist is saddened at the penalties being brought due to the people breaking the Torah. If you just think for one moment how different the world would be if all people even kept one commandment, such as “do not steal”. There would be no locks on doors, their would be no robberies of homes or children kidnapped. There would be no one stealing the spouse of another person. Does this sound like freedom or bondage? Shame on any false teacher who has ever said that Yehovah’s Torah is irrelevant and done away with. They are false teachers and liars and there is no truth in them (Is 8:20).
183 Sin is the transgression of the Torah (I Joh 3:4). If one does not recognize the Torah, then how will they recognize that they are a sinner in need of salvation?
184 Those who purposely break the Torah and teach men to do so are called traitors and will not be in the kingdom of Yehovah. See note on Math 5:19.
185 To those who truly love the Torah they will not be offended very easily, except by injustice and sin.
186 Righteous living before Yehovah is to keep His commandments.
187 Yerushalayim is made up of two hills. One is called the Akra where the city of David lies and the other is the Ophel in which the sanctuary was built. Solomon connected these two hills by filling up the gap between them called Millo (1Kgs 11:27), therefore connecting Yerushalayim to be one Plateau consisting of the Akra and Ophel.
188 All 12 tribes of Yisrael were commanded to go up to Yerushalayim 3 times in the year at Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot, Deut 16:16, Is 33:20.
189 Yerushalayim comes from the Hebrew word for shalom, “shalom”.
190 Verses 1-2- Yerushalayim is the eternal capital and headquarters of Yehovah where He dwells and where His kingdom will be forever, 2 Chron 12:13, Is 33:20, Mic 4:2, Math 5:35, Ps 48:1-2, Ps 132:12-13, Ps 135:21.
191 A beautiful metaphoric analogy of blessing to those who fear Yehovah, he will have a wife who will be like a vine bearing much fruit and being home by her house, compared to the wayward woman who is never guarding her home and children. Then, his children will be like olive plants, which are the most productive fruit as it gives food for eating, wood for burning and oil for medicinal purposes and also for light. Both grape vines and olive trees had very long life spans and produced the oil and wine that symbolized long life and happiness around the home.
192 Just as the longevity of the grape vine and olive tree, the man who fears Yehovah will also have long life and prosperity.
193 What a great honor and blessing to be blessed in the name of “Yehovah”. Something that the wicked will never see the blessing of.
194 Yerushalayim is the eternal capital and headquarters of Yehovah. Ps 125:1-2, Ps 48:1-2, Ps 122:1-2, Mic 4:2, Yer 3:17, 2 Chron 12:13, and Is 33:20.
195 Those who are fruitfirsts to Yehovah and Yehoshua will reign with Him during the millennium as kings and priests under His rule (Rev 14:4, Rev 5:10, Rev 20:4-6).
196 Verses 1-3- In a prideful, selfish world how wonderful it is for true brethren with Yehovah’s Ruach H' Chodesh (set apart ruach) to surrender themselves to Yehovah and submit to each other in harmony and unity of each others spiritual gifts. This is true judicial order. Verse 2- It is like the anointing oil of Yehovah that ran down the head to the beard and priestly garments of Aaron. This signifies that his whole body was blessed as the whole body of Messiah is blessed when they submit to Yehovah’s judicial order and receive His blessing.
Verse 3- Mount Hermon at the Northern border of Yisrael is an almost 10,000 ft mountain that is like a sponge and soaks rain water and snow all winter and then, the water drains into 3 tributaries that make up the water, flowing into the Jordan River.
197 Verses 1-13- Gives us direct command to praise the name of Yehovah. It is forbidden in scripture to praise any other name but Yehovah and Yehoshua (Ex 22:20, 23:13).
198 Verses 16-18- This is not just speaking of false idols of deities, but anything such as a car, a home or even a job or person that someone puts above Elohim or gives undue reverence toward, is an idol.
199 Aleph/Tav is the first and last letters in the Hebrew alphabet and in a grammatical sense in Hebrew they are not translatable but point toward the direct object of the sentence. However, in this translation we have left them in place because in a spiritual sense they also point to the Savior of Yisrael, Rev 22:13.
200 Verses 1-6- This is a very poetic psalm describing the agony of the people being away from Yerushalayim, the very place that is Yehovah’s eternal headquarters and where He dwells (1Kgs 14:21, Ps 135:21). Today in western society the special relationship that Yerushalayim has to the true believer has all but been forgotten and this psalm should be read every feast by those in Diaspora with tears for the returning to Yehovah’s eternal capital and dwelling place.
201 Verses 8-9 is a prayer of cursing of Babylon for destroying Yehovah’s heritage. Today in modern Babylon (USA) Yehovah’s people are being spiritually destroyed, (Yer 50:28) and this will bring the destruction of end time Babylon.
202 Verse 13, 15-16- Clearly shows that life starts at conception and can only come from Yehovah.
203 Verses 19-22- Those who are against the good news message of the bible are enemies of Yehovah and should be avoided. Loyalty to Yehovah is of most importance to those who will receive eternal life.
204 The Hebrew word for violent here is Hamas.
205 The prayers of the set-apart ones are as incense to Yehovah (Rev 5:8, Rev 8:3-4, Luk 1:10).
206 Lam 3:6
207 Gen 15:5
208 Ps 149 shows the great creative power of Yehovah and why His name alone is to be praised as Creator of the universe.
209 The word creators in Hebrew is plural and shows that both Yehovah the Father and Yehoshua the son were co-creators, Gen 1:26-27, Eccl 12:1.
210 The 150th psalm ends with praising Yehovah in song and dance. The fact that the different musical instruments are mentioned in verse 4 shows that this is referring to congregational and not just private worship.
1 Proverbs are the art of skillful living. This can only be accomplished in ones life if they fully submit to Yehovah’s ruach for discernment.
2 The fear of Yehovah is the starting point to repentance and a true relationship with Yehovah and Yehoshua, the Creators of the universe.(Pr 9:10, Pr 15:33, Yob 28:28).
3 The Torah is Yehovah’s eternal moral code and His very character. Grace is His mercy to forgive when we inadvertently violate His set apart Torah. To live by the Torah is to keep His mercy and grace around our neck on a daily basis.
4 Verse 10-15- Bad companionships ruin good habits, 1 Cor 15:33.
5 Zech 7:12-13
6 Proverbs consistently calls those who hate instruction and Yehovah’s judicial order as “fools”. Pr 12:15, 15:5.
7 Whereas the fool is not willing to take instruction and only relies on his own pride, the humble of heart who trust in Yehovah as their refuge will always be protected.
8 Verses 1-5- The fear of Yehovah comes from obedience to His commandments. Those who accept a lawless false grace are prideful and don't have the fear of Yehovah. However, they will not escape His judgment, 2Cor 5:10.
9 In life each person will reap what he sows and by keeping Yehovah’s commandments they will lead to long life and protection from evil.
10 Verses 9-10- The tithe (first 10%) of ones increase belongs to Yehovah (Gen 28:20-22). If someone does not tithe to Yehovah he is robbing from Yehovah (Mal 3:8) and will not be blessed. Yehovah challenges the skeptic to test Him and see if by being faithful with the tithe he will not be blessed abundantly (Mal 3:9-10).
11 Verses 1-6- As any good father would give sound advice to their children, here the most sound advice is to keep the Torah of Yehovah for happiness, wisdom and life, (Deut 10:12- 13, Pr 3:1, Ps 119).
12 Verses 20:22- Deut 30:15-20
13 Over and over again in the proverbs is the theme of seeking and listening to the wisdom of Yehovah. Although wisdom is poetically acclaimed at times, these are simply metaphors and wisdom is something to be acquired but is not a person or being.
14 This is showing that although the adulterous woman may be sweet as honey and slick as oil in the end her ways will bring suffering and death. This chapter is a stark warning to all (Mk 10:11-12).
15 Verses 15-18 are not speaking about not allowing people to drink water from your home, but is poetically stating for men to stay close to their own wife and let her alone satisfy his desires.
16 This is speaking about the danger of being a co-signer for another and warning against it. If you lend money to someone and they do not repay you, you will simply lose the money that you lent, but if you co-sign a loan and it is defaulted, then your credit and reputation will be destroyed.
17 Verses 4-11- Although good rest is a must for good health, these scriptures show that to the lazy man who hibernates the better part of the day in bed will end up without work and in poverty.
18 Verses 16-19- Two words that are rarely seen in scripture are “Yehovah” with the word “hate”. This shows how much Yehovah despises pride, gossip, and a false accusing ruach.
19 Verses 20-23-Shows that the commandments were never meant to forgive sin, but are meant to show one the way to walk in life and stay on the straight and narrow path. The word Torah is better translated as “instruction” instead of “law”. It is instruction for life, as sin (the breaking of the Torah, 1Joh 3:4) is instruction for death (Rom 6:23).
20 Verses 1-3- Keeping Yehovah’s commandments and His Torah are always equated with keeping one's life or soul, Math 19:17, Pr 4:4, Ps 19:7-11, Deut 32:46-47, Deut 30:15-20.
21 Over and over again in the proverbs is the theme of seeking and listening to the wisdom of Yehovah. Although wisdom is poetically acclaimed at times these are simply metaphors and wisdom is something to be acquired but is not a person or being.
22 Verses 22-23- Some have wrongly taken these scriptures out of context to pertain them to Yehoshua and that He is a created being. However, wisdom is in the feminine gender and is being spoken about over the last 5 chapters and never personified as the Messiah. Also, Yehoshua is eternal and not a created being, Mic 5:2, 1Joh 1:1, Joh 8:58.
23 Verses 27-36- Wisdom is spoken of poetically that to find it you will find life. How true this is as in this world you can find such great, smart people who can invent computers, space crafts that can go to the moon and every type of telecommunication, yet how many of these men with worldly education have the wisdom to seek Yehovah and His grace in their lives?
24 Rev 1:20, Zech 4:2
25 It is the fear of Yehovah that will lead one to heartfelt repentance that will in turn lead to knowledge, wisdom understanding and instruction. Without the fear of Yehovah, the pride of man will rule in his heart, Pr 16:18, Pr 29:23.
26 This is referencing Yehovah’s judicial order, for a son who respects his father will listen to his mother while the father is away working on a daily basis. However, the son who has no respect for his father will have less respect for his mother while the father is away and will be most uncorrectable and impossible for a mother to handle.
27 Pr 13:25, Pr 28:25
28 The wise are commanded to be quick to hear and slow to speak (Ja 1:19). Due to the evil nature of man, those who continually are talkers, usually will be saying negative things and gossiping, Math 12:33-37.
29 As bitterness and pain is from vinegar and smoke so is the result of a lazy man that is sent with no good results.
30 The more one gives from the heart, the more he will be blessed by Elohim, Eccl 11:1-2, 2Cor 9:7.
31 The reward of the saved is eternal life on the earth not in heaven, There is a judgment day on earth when Messiah returns and the righteous will be rewarded eternal life and the sinner will burn up completely in the Lake of Fire. (Rev 20:4-6, 13, Rev 5:10, Gen 17:7-8, Heb 9:27, Yer 32:19, 2Cor 5:10).
32 A merciful person will even care for his animals but an unloving person would not even care for human beings who are close to them.
33 Honestly, loyalty and truth will lead to eternal life, but a false witness and liar will be judged in the Lake of fire, Rev 22:15.
34 Arguments come many times by those who are not willing to be corrected, Pr 9:9
35 It takes great belief in the word of Yehovah to stay focused and not get discouraged in this present wicked, end time, generation.
36 Correction to a child is showing love teaching them discipline (Heb 12:5-8), but the parent that does not take the time to correct his child is not showing love, (Pr 19:18, Pr 22:15, 23:13,14, 29:15, 7, Pr 3:12)
37 No one can really understand the sorrow or joy that an individual is going through throughout their life, 1 Sam 1:10.
38 Naïve people many times will rashly believe something without proving it to be true and then, later, change to something else. The prudent person will prove the truth to himself and then, hold on to it forever, 1Thes 5:21.
39 Self control is evidence of the set apart ruach (Gal 5:23) and someone who bursts with anger is no better than a demon possessed person (Pr 16:32, Pr 14:29).
40 A ruach led individual will ponder his words and season them with salt before answering even in dire conditions. However, rash harsh words will only cause more contention, Pr 15:28.
41 By getting a multitude of options for a problem will give a multitude of decisions and be able to render wisdom in rendering judgment.
42 Many times people are persuaded by a mob mentality not to go against the majority, but a person is responsible for his decision in supporting an injustice or not standing up for the truth, Lev 5:1.
43 The fear is Yehovah leads one to repentance and is the beginning point for a true relationship with Him and humility.
44 This scripture is clear proof why ones heart and soul must be toward Yehovah continually, as if we are making our plans based on His will, He will fix our path in the same manner, but if not, we will go through trial in our walk.
45 The Hebrew word for violent here is Hamas, the same name as the terror group.
46 Better to stay quiet and be thought the fool, then to open the mouth and remove all doubt.
47 The body of Messiah is a unified effort with judicial order and accountability to Yehovah and each other. Those who set themselves up outside of Yehovah’s judicial order do so with pride and self interest.
48 Speaking of casting a lot to decide a matter, (Pr 16:33)
49 Safety is not in the quantity of friends, but the quality.
50 Discernment is a great gift to know when to pursue a matter and when not to. If one does not have the gift of discernment then it is prudent to get advice from those who do (Pr 11:14, Pr 15:22).
51 If this was said of an ancient king how much more for the covenant believer in Yehoshua, including TV and Internet.
52 The point to this scripture is that if you train a child from “The opening of the way” or the very beginning of his life, when he is older he will never leave the truths that have been ingrained into him. (Deut 6:7, Pr 13:24, 19:18, 23:13, 29:17)
53 Being a true believer does not mean that you must keep negative, people with false accusing spirits around in the house of assembly.
54 See note on Proverbs 6:3.
55 A true believer should have more fear of Yehovah, than fear of wanting to please man.
56 A true believer’s hope is in the resurrection, Ps 16:9-11
57 Yehovah’s truth is freely provided by His true servants throughout the world. Anyone selling the word of Yehovah is committing a grave sin.
58 The drunkard is so inebriated that he does not even realize that he is being abused, and yet when he awakens the next day he will go right back to his drunken stupor, (Pr 26:11, 2Pe 2:22).
59 The true ruach led believer never quits, even if he falters, he will repent and move on, Mic 7:8.
60 By showing kindness to an enemy will shame him and bring blessing to the giving person, (Math 5:44, Ro 12:20).
61 Verses 4-5- It takes wisdom to know whether to answer a fool, to quiet him or to ignore him if his intention is too merely entice a circular argument.
62 Pride will stop one from seeking wise counsel and give false self-assurance, Rev 3:17.
63 Lazy people lack any ambition whatsoever.
64 It is gossip to get involved and give opinion in matters that don't pertain to you.
65 Verses 20-22, 24-26 (Pr 16:28, 17:9, 18:8, 20:19)
66 In the end one will reap what he sows.
67 A faithful friend may give constructive criticism, which mends will heal, as where the false flattery of a hated one is endless and unhelpful.
68 Good friends help to make each other spiritually stronger, 1 Cor 15:33.
69 Verses 23-27- If you care for your flock it will produce all your needs.
70 The lawless will praise the wicked because there are no moral absolutes in their lives, Ro 1:28-32.
71 The Torah is the moral code of conduct in life and breaking the Torah is sin ( 1 Joh 3:4). Those who rebelliously turn away from hearing the Torah, even their prayer becomes an abomination.
72 This proverb demonstrates the creative power of Yehovah the Father and Yehovah the son. (Gen 1:26, Eccl 12:1, Ps 2:7, Acts 13:33, Ps 89:26).
73 Someone prone to anger must show self-control or pay the consequences.
74 Verses 10-29 speaks about the true biblical woman. She is one that takes care of her home, including her husband and children. This does not restrict her from running businesses from her home, preparing for the future and making household goods.
75 The proverbs 31 woman is not afraid to work with her hands and get them dirty.
76 She is one that diligently finds the best deals on daily provisions and knows how to get them.
77 She is an early riser and even has household servants that she cares for.
78 Preparing a field was an extremely hard task. Not only does she know how to negotiate the price of purchase but she also knows how to prepare it to produce fruit.
79 Strength comes internally from knowing what one wants to accomplish and externally from hard work and exercise.
80 She not only talks the talk, but she walks the walk.
81 She has many talents and one is knowing how to make her own clothes for the family.
82 Even though she is extremely busy and successful she still has a heart for the poor.
83 Fine linen and purple, showing the dignity and honor that she has earned, Rev 19:8.
84 You cannot have a proverbs 31 woman without having a Proverb 31 man.
85 She not only makes the clothing for the household, but even sells these quality clothes for income.
86 The proverbs 31 woman has no anxiety for the future because she is living a righteous life and can only have anticipation of her reward in the kingdom to come.
87 The proverbs 31 woman is many things, but one of them is NOT idle.
88 We reap what we sow and a woman of such dignity is upheld by her family members.
89 Charm many times is simply false flattery and beauty passes one's life quickly, but the woman who fears Yehovah will have an eternal reward.
1 The scroll of Yob is somewhat of a mystery as it is evident that Yob was a historical character and even mentioned in Eze 14:14, and Jac 5:11. It is uncertain who wrote the scroll. The time frame seems to indicate that the historical setting is during the time of the patriarch Abraham as there is not a mention of the nation of Yisrael. Also, Yob lived more than 140 yrs (42:16), his wealth was measured in cattle (1:3) and he acted as priest for his family (1:5). The fact that the Hebrew word “kesitah” is used for silver in 42:11, also fits with the patriarch time period of the second millennium B.C. (Gen 33:19). The land of “Uz” is modern day Jordan and ancient Edom.
2 Celebrating birthdays was mostly a pagan custom in ancient days and usually only kings and the very wealthy did so, Eccl 7:1 .
3 Messengers here are called “sons of Elohim” as also in Yob 38:7 and gen 6:2. It is not known why The adversary would be allowed to be with them.
4 The adversary is called the “ god of this world” (2Cor 4:4)and has access to roam the earth. However, when Yehoshua returns, then The adversary will be bound during the millennium (Rev 20:2) and afterward punished for good.
5 It is the fear of Yehovah that leads to repentance and righteousness.
6 This shows that The adversary can only perform what Yehovah allows and true believers must realize the ruach in them is stronger than the ruach of The adversary (1 Joh 4:4).
7 Sabeans were a nomadic tribe that fits the time-frame of the patriarchs. Yob 6:19 called them traveling merchants and their descendents later made up the spice trade routes coming from Sheba in south Arabia. Also see 1Kgs 10:1-13, Ps 72:10-15, Is 60:6, Eze 27:22, Yoel 3:8.
8 Leviathan is a sea creature created by Yehovah. (Ps 74:14, Ps 104:26, Yob 41:1, Is 27:1)
9 Yob's true problem of self-righteousness is now coming out.
10 Yob rejects his friends interpretation of life as many times the wicked do prosper for a season.
11 Verses 32-35 clearly show Yob's self-righteousness as he makes allegations of Yehovah being unconnected and inaccessible to His creation and pleads for an intercessor. Although Yob's statements were inaccurate as sin does separate man from his creator (Is 59:1-2), Yehovah did send a mediator for man to pay the penalty of his sins and reconcile with Elohim in His son Yehoshua.
12 It is not justice for Yehovah to acquit the guilty (Nah 1:3), that is why one must humbly recognize his pathetic, sinful state and ask Yehovah to allow the sacrifice of the blood of Yehoshua to pay the penalty for his sins.
13 Verses 16-22- Many times self-righteousness will lead one into a pity party as it did with Yob.
14 Verses 13-14 clearly show that in the ancient world people knew the dead were sleeping in the earth without conscienceness (Eccl 9:5), and believed in a resurrection from the dead.
15 Verses 25-26 shows that Yob knew about Yehoshua as redeemer and also that at the resurrection that there will be a new spiritual body given.
16 This scripture is showing that man being evil in nature does not have the ability to redeem himself (Ro 3:10-23) and needs the son of Yehovah for payment of sin and redemption.
17 Yob rightly concludes that in fleshly form no human can truly understand the greatness and amazing creative power of Yehovah.
18 Yob did not see yet that his dire conditions was not penance for his being good, but he was merely reaping the reward for his self-righteousness.
19 Verses 8-11- See Pr 1:24-33, the wicked will also reap what they sow for not repenting and seeking Yehovah while they had a chance.
20 It is almost impossible to get through to a person who is self-righteous and blinded in his own eyes.
21 Verses 33-37- The danger of self-righteousness is that if it is not repented of the person will eventually start to even blame Yehovah instead of themselves.
22 Now Yehovah will answer Yob in a most pointed way.
23 Verses 2-3- Elohim is challenging Yob asking if he controls the pattern of the heavens as the moving of the constellations in chapter 38:31-32, or the procession of the cyclical pattern of the equinox here in these verses, which determine the new moons and the beginning of the new year.
24 Verses 3-5- Finally Yob gets it that all men are vile and evil compared to the great eternal, perfect, loving, Creator. He shuts his mouth in shame, which fully contrasts the self-righteous person who always has an answer no matter what, due to their pride and self righteousness.
25 This word means “an excellent beast” and it is mostly believed to be the hippopotamus.
26 Yob finally realizes that only humility and repentance will lead to a true relationship with Yehovah. Our self-justification is simply filthy rage to Him (Is 64:6).
1 The Song of Solomon is a poetic scroll about the bride and the bridegroom. Solomon is a representative of the Messiah and the bride here is representative of the bride of Messiah.
2 The vineyard is a sign of protection (Is 5:1-7) but also productivity (Luk 20:9-16). The bride here has not been totally productive with the work given to her.
3 Prostitutes were veiled and the bride here does not want to be like one of them.
4 Spikenard was used for kings and had a very special fragrance. Mary used this to prepare Yehoshua for His burial (Mk 14:3).
5 Myrrh had to be beaten to bring out the sweet aroma, and was used to anoint royal nuptial robes. It was also given to Yehoshua at His birth (Math 2:11), used in the wine when He died (Mak 15:23) and also used in the spices for His burial (Joh 19:39).
6 The term “banner' signifies messianic overtures, (Is 11:10).
7 This is symbolic of not seeking Yehoshua's return before it's time.
8 This is spring and Pesach time.
9 The bride is hidden in the rocks, Is 33:14-17, Is 26:1, 20-21.
10 This shows the closeness of the bride and bridegroom. They are found in the “lilies” because the name comes from it's whiteness from it's purity.
11 The bride comes out of the wilderness, (Rev 12:14, Ezek 20:34-35).
12 The bride is marrying the King of Shalom, Is 9:6-7, Math 5:35, Heb 7:1-2.
13 Verses 1-15 show how much the bridegroom is in love with His bride.
14 Verse 16 the bride calls out to her bridegroom to come.
15 The myrrh is showing the sacrifice and suffering it took for His bride.
16 The bride although unprepared and not ready in chapter one, now comes out of the wilderness ready for the bridegroom and the wedding supper, (Rev 19:7-8).
17 Verses 6-7 Now, the bride is ready to give 100% of herself to the bridegroom and knows her whole existence is only for Him, (Ro 12:1-2, 1 Cor 6:20).
18 Speaking of Yehudah and their inclusion into the family of the bridegroom.
1 Mahon means “sickness” and Chilion means “weakness”.
2 Ruth means “friend”. “Women of Moab”, see note on Deut 23:4.
3 This verse shows the great commitment Ruth had to her mother-in law and dead husband and family and is an example to every true covenant believer.
4 This started right after Pesach and continued until Shavuot.
5 The word used here can also mean grace, and Ruth in this story is typical of the bride and Boaz the Bridegroom.
6 This word indicates the rightful next of kin who would redeem his relative who has fallen into bondage, and lost their inheritance, and is indicative in scripture of the Messiah who redeems those who seek Him of the bondage of the debt of their sins, which according to the Torah would be punishable by death. This is why it is very clear the Messiah must return directly before the Jubilee year of redemption (Is 60: 16, Is 59:19-21, Ruth 3:9, 4:1-10, Lev 25:25).
7 Spreading the skirt over one was a symbolic act of stating they were under their protection. In a Jewish traditional wedding the couple is married under a tallit with the tassels hanging down on all four sides showing that the woman is coming under the covering of her bridegroom. It would be totally outside of judicial order and an act of rebellion for a woman to wear the tassel on her own and it would show that she refuses the covering of her true bridegroom (Yehoshua).
8 The city gate in ancient times was the most important point in the city where Kings sat, and official business was conducted as well as judges ruling on important legal matters, Deut 22:15, 2 Sam 19:8.
9 Obed means “one serving”
1 The scroll of lamentations is a scroll of the grieving over the destruction of Yehovah’s set apart city Yerushalayim. The authorship of the scroll is attributed to the weeping prophet, Yeremiah.
2 Faith is constituted in one's patience that he has to wait on Yehovah even in times of long trials or distress.
3 The only true hope of any grave trial is the appearance of Yehoshua and the Kingdom of Yehovah being established on the earth.
4 This cannot be referring to the Babylonian captivity as Yehudah went into captivity again under the Romans in 70 A.D.
1 The scroll of Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon at the end of his life and shows the great lesson that if your life goals are only focused on fleshly wealth and pleasure seeking, then in the end it will be quite empty with no lasting spiritual fulfillment.
2 Verses 4-7 show Yehovah’s circular pattern to life. Solomon took this pattern as vanity, but in reality it shows the Eternal Creator's unending cycle of life and stability to His creation.
3 Verses 8-9- To most people, human, secular goals will keep one busy a lifetime, but to Solomon who has done and accomplished all secular pleasures, yet had no spiritual goals or accomplishments, he sees life as pure vanity.
4 To one who merely seeks physical pleasure in this life, there is no future hope, but for those who are seeking first the Kingdom of Yehovah there is hope for eternity, Math 6:33.
5 Verses 1-11- Solomon felt this way because all he did and all his goals were only of self interest. There was nothing toward the glory of Yehovah nor His Kingdom. Happiness can only come by serving our Creator and other people, (Acts 20:35).
6 Verses 18-19- It shows Solomon's selfish motivation as most loving fathers at the end of their life are happy to leave their accomplishments and resources that they diligently worked for to their children, (Pr 13:1, Pr 13:22, Pr 19:14).
7 Verses 1-8- Emotions are trigger points and there is a time for each emotion in its proper setting. Self-control and temperance helps one to be stable through life and each time setting given.
8 Verses 19-20- The word in the bible used for “soul” is “nephesh” and both animals and humans have a nephesh, which is not immortal but upon death the body goes back to the dust that it came from (Gen 3:19).
9 The breath of Yehovah’s ruach made man a living soul (Gen 2:7), so when man dies the ruach, which is one and belongs to Yehovah goes back to Him. Please reference Lesson 6 in the correspondence course called 'The Reward of the Saved' at www.coyhwh.com in the study section.
10 Verses 9-12- Show the great benefit of the law of synergy. Yehovah made His elect to be fully dependent on Him and co-dependent on each other.
11 Whatever one focuses on becomes most real to him (Pr 23:7), and those whose focus is only on wealth will never be satisfied with what they have but will always being striving for more, and hoarding what they have.
12 Solomon fathered hundreds of children and yet he did not feel confident that even one would give him a proper burial. This shows the complete failure that he had in child rearing and is proven when his son Rehoboam takes over the throne, 1Kgs 12:1-18.
13 Speaking of either self-righteousness or worldly wisdom. One cannot be too righteous in obedience to Yehovah.
14 Solomon directly disobeyed Yehovah by not only heaping up for himself hundred's of wives and concubines (Deut 17:17), but also many of these women were foreign women who pulled him away from Yehovah.
15 When punishment for a wicked act is not given quick retribution, then the person who did the evil act thinks he got away with something and will do more evil, Deut 17:8-13.
16 The dead are sleeping in the grave with no consciousness, (Acts 7:60, Joh 11:11, 1Thes 4:15, 1 Cor 15:51, Ps 146:3-4).
17 Showing purity and Yehovah’s ruach.
18 The old expression one bad apple will rot the bunch has much truth to it, and one bad ruach in a house of assembly will bring much grief.
19 You reap what you sow.
20 Many times wisdom gets better results than brute strength.
21 A true leader is one that wants his pupils to excel his wisdom and knowledge, but a self motivated teacher will simply want to keep his pupils dependent on him.
22 Watch what you say as you never know who may be listening.
23 The more seeds you plant the better chance you have of one of them sprouting.
24 Diversity in investment is sound wisdom.
25 The word for “Creators” here is in the plural, indicating the creation by the Father and son, and one should seek Yehovah young in life to avoid much grief.
26 After a life of seeking his own self interests Solomon finally realized the true meaning of happiness to life is fear of Yehovah and obedience to His commandments. This applies to all people as the 10 commandments are a moral code that is the very character of Yehovah and they have been used to institute civil statutes in society from time immemorial.
1 Vashti's lack of judicial order lost her the kingdom.
1 Verses 1-2- See 2 Chron 36:22-23. The action of Cyrus to rebuild the sanctuary of Yehovah was predicted almost 200 yrs before this decree went out in Is 44:21-28, and 45:1, 5. Yehovah even gave the name of King Cyrus in the prophecy.
2 The Pesach is to be eaten on the 14th day of the new moon and the 15th day is the feast of unleavened bread.
3 Ezra knew that the forsaking of the Torah and Yehovah’s Sabbaths was what sent the Israelites into captivity Eze 20:13, 16. He had planned to instill the Torah in the hearts of the people.
1 This is Yerushalayim Yehovah’s eternal capital.
2 Chapter 1 shows that Nehemiah knew as Ezra also did that disobedience to the Torah is what caused Yisrael's captivity and repentance and turning back to the Torah is what would bring them back to the Promised Land.
3 These letters given to Nehemiah concerning Yerushalayim form the decree of Daniel 9:25.
4 Verses 11-15- show that Nehemiah went around the city of David and the pool of Siloam.
5 This is not the area of the modern Dung Gate today. The original Dung gate was near the entrance to the valley of Gehenna where the garbage used to be burned on the south western corner of the Kidron valley.
6 This gate on the eastern side of the sanctuary led across the Kidron Valley to the Miphkad Altar where the Red heifer was sacrificed.
7 To finish the entire wall around the city in 52 days was an amazing feat and shows that the walls did not encompass the size that they are currently today. Although there are some remains from the time of King Herod much of the wall around Yerushalayim today was built by Suleiman the Great in 1538.
8 This gate was above the Gihon Spring in the city of David, Neh 12:37.
9 Ezra and Nehemiah knew that it was the breaking of the Torah that sent them into exile and they were determined now that they were back in the land to teach the people the Torah and to obey it. In doing so they actually put many fences around the Torah that later became known as the oral law.
10 The people knew that it was Yehovah the only true Elohim who redeemed them back to the Promised Land. However, in not wanting to over use the name, later Judaism stopped using the name Yehovah altogether and started calling the Creator “Ha Shem”, which simply means “The name “.
11 Verses 3-6 clearly show that the people would have thought it blasphemy to praise and glorify any other name but the true name of Yehovah, (Ex 22:20).
12 The set apart ruach was available to ancient Yisrael but they refused it by their disobedience, Acts 7:51.
13 One must adhere to obedience to the Torah for eternal life, Math 19:17.
14 The people were rededicating covenant relationship with Yehovah and they knew that the Torah was the very moral code and character of Yehovah and was an integral part of the covenant and a fence of protection around the lives of the people.
15 It is acceptance in the shed blood of Yehoshua for forgiveness of sins that will seal a person and then the obedience to the Torah will keep one sealed. (Rev 7:3, Rev 14:12, Joh 6:27, Luk 6:46).
16 The curse was disobedience to the Torah (Deut 27:26), and their inability to obey it. There are only blessings for obedience (Ps 19:7-11).
17 There should be no buying or selling on the Sabbath or set apart Day, as the true believer is blessed to be free of the barter system of Babylon on these set apart days.
18 Yehovah’s sanctuary was clearly in the city of David, Neh 8:1.
19 Verses 15-21- These verses clearly show that no buying or selling or normal bartering should be taking place on the Sabbath day and Nehemiah was even threatening to physically harm them if they came with their wares on the Sabbath again.
Today you have many preachers selling their wares and false doctrines on the Sabbath day and even selling DVD's, scrolls and other material on the Sabbath day, which is a direct violation of the commandment.
20 As Yehovah in the end time is calling back Yisrael to the Promise Land the people should be training their children in speaking the restored Hebrew language, instead of the languages of the nations that they are coming from.
1 Verses 1-2- There were 2 great promise blessings in Yehovah’s covenant relationship. One was the birthright in which the firstborn had predominance and double blessing (Deut 21:17), and the second was the scepter, which was where the kingly line would come from.
2 Mount Zion where the sanctuary of Yehovah dwelt was the City of David.
3 We are commanded to sing praise to the name of Yehovah.
4 The family name of Yehovah is the most glorious name in all the universe (Deut 28:58) and all true covenant believers should be glorifying Yehovah’s name that is listed almost 7,000 times in the Old Testament or Tanach alone.
5 In the end times as Yehovah gathers His elect from the 4 corners of the earth back to the Promised Land (Math 24:31) they will be praising Yehoshua, the salvation of Yehovah.
6 The promise of an eternal king in the messianic kingdom is not that king David would be that king Messiah spoken of here, but that the King Messiah would be someone who was born from his very loins and was a physical descendant of his.
7 Verses 12-14- It is King Messiah that will build the sanctuary of Yehovah (Zech 6:12-13) and He (Yehoshua) will be established on His throne forever (Ps 110:1-5).
8 See 2 Sam 21:19
9 The daily sacrifice was turned into a prayer sacrifice and ultimately a living sacrifice of each true covenant believer (Ro 12;1-2).
10 Even in the first covenant the house of assembly was named “House of assembly of Yehovah” after the Father (Eph 3:15, Joh 17:11, 2Chron 6:33).
1 Yachin means “He establishes” and Boaz means “in Him is strength”.
2 Mount Zion or the Temple Mount is synonymous with the City of David, (2 Sam 5:7, 1 Kgs 8:1, Ps 48:1-3).
3 Just as the physical House of Yehovah was called by His name, the spiritual House of Yehovah (His house of assembly) is also called by His name,( Eph 3:15, Joh 17:11, 1 Chron 28:8).
4 Verses 36-39- The land of Yisrael is always the land of Yisrael. Because they went into Diaspora it does not make the land of their captivity the new land of Yisrael. Some today have a false perception that America is the new land of Yisrael, which is not grounded anywhere in scripture.
5 This is the feast of Sukkot and The Last Great Day.
6 The land of Yisrael belongs to Yehovah, Lev 25:23.
7 The ark of Yehovah and sanctuary was in the City of David, which was called Mount Zion, 2 Sam 5:7, 2 Chron 5:2.
8 It was a temple practice to worship devil-like he-goats and there was even a half/man half/goat deity called Pan. This is why Yehovah restricted the Israelites from shaving the corner of their beards and having a devil-like goat tee, as He did not want Yisrael to resemble false pagan deities. (Lev 17:1-7, Lev 19:27, 21:5, Yer 9:25-26).
9 Yehovah’s name was to dwell in Yerushalayim forever, His eternal headquarters.
10 As long as someone is obedient and trusting in Yehovah, He will be with them, but if they pridefully forsake His Torah and way, then He will also forsake them.
11 Asherah was a Phonetician goddess.
12 Asa put his trust in doctors for healing instead of Yehovah.
13 This was after Elijah had been translated and proves that he was not in heaven but still on the earth.
1 This genealogy is Yoseph's and shows why Yoseph could not be Yehoshua's father as Yehoiachin was cursed (Yer 22:30) and the Messiah could not come from his genealogy.
2 This is Yoseph's genealogy. In the original Aramaic the word used is not husband here but protectorate or redeemer such as Boaz was to Ruth. (Ruth 4:1-6) Num 36:1-9
3 “of whom” is in the feminine singular showing there was an earthly mother but no earthly father.
4 Here the word husband is used and since we see from verse 18 that they were only engaged, we clearly see the intent of the ancient marriage covenant where at the signing of the marriage covenant at engagement the agreement was binding and only could be broken during the betrothal period for unfaithfulness and after the marriage vows were consummated, then, only death could separate the two from their marriage vow.
5 The name Yehoshua means Yehovah’s salvation, so by stating His name and then showing what the name means “He will save His people from their sins” clearly shows an Aramaic writing style that does not exist in Greek. The name “Jesus” has no such entomology in Greek and comes from “Ieasous” which is the masculine form of the pagan goddess of healing Ieasa.
6 Mary had other children after Yehoshua (Math 13:55-56)
7 See note on Rev 12:1
8 Netzeret was not an Old Testament town, but only established in the 2nd century BC. The Rabbis claim that a priestly family from Bethlehem migrated to Netzeret to keep their lineage pure. This verse is most likely referring to Is 11:1 where the Hebrew word for branch “netzar” is very similar to the word for Notsri. Showing that the Messiah would come from the lineage of King David. Please see note on Is 11:1.
9 In many translations you see an anti-Torah bias that was never actually written into the manuscripts. The very opposite; what we see over and over again is the fact of the Torah and commandments of Yehovah being binding on the life of true covenant believers today and the message that Yehoshua taught His talmidim. (Math 5:17-20, 1 Joh 2:3-6, 1Joh 5:2-3)
10 Yehoshua did not argue the fact that The adversary is the ruler of this world, and that is why true believers are commanded to stay separate and sanctified from the ways of the world (1Joh 2:15-18)
11 In ancient times salt had great value due to its ability to preserve food for long periods and even keep the animals healthy. At times in history salt was even used to pay employees and that is where the term “he is worth his weight in salt' comes from.
12 Verses 17-20 are extremely clear that Yehoshua's intention was NEVER to abolish the eternal Torah of Yehovah, but to magnify the intent.
13 Some have wrongly thought this verse simply means that the ones who teach that it is permissible to break the Torah will be in the Kingdom but will have the lowest position, but this verse is stating to teach against the Torah in the Kingdom is the absolute worst thing that could be thought of, and those who did so would NOT be there (Math 7:23)
14 The Perushim strictly kept their oral traditions above the Torah and unless a true believer not only keeps the letter of the Torah but the true intent of the ruach he will not be in the Kingdom of Yehovah.
15 This is an Aramaic idiomatic phrase which means whatever is causing you to sin you must put it out of your life.
16 This phrase can be inclusive or exclusive but taking into consideration the context “even in a matter of temple prostitution” seems to be the correct rendering.
17 Nowhere in scripture does Yehovah condone divorce and Yehoshua clearly states that if one leaves their covenant spouse and marries another it is considered adultery and if someone marries a divorced person both parties are committing adultery.
18 What was happening was that people in this time period felt that if they swore by the name of Yehovah that they were bound to keep their word, but if they did not swear using the name of Yehovah, then they were not bound to keep their commitment. What Yehoshua is saying is that one does not need to swear at all, but should always keep their word; period!
19 Verse 34-37, Swearing and taking a vow are two separate issues (Nu 30:2). If one could not take vows, then how could one get married to a spouse or even take the immersion vow to join the New Covenant? In essence what Yehoshua is saying is that every word out of our mouth is a vow and should be accomplished as we say.
20 This Aramaic idiomatic phrase is not condoning evil, but is saying if someone hurts you and repents, then forgive them and in doing so and restoring the relationship you are giving opportunity to hurt you again in the future. When one shows true Elohim guided love and forgiveness they make themselves vulnerable to being hurt.
21 A believer does this by obeying the commandments to all people even their enemies. A believer will not lie or steal from his enemy and this is how he is showing love for him.
22 Prayer is meant to be a solemn dialogue from the heart, not a memorized repetitious chanting that many still do today.
23 Again, we see the importance of the name of the Heavenly Father, Yehovah, and that every prayer should start by glorifying His name. What Yehoshua outlines in verses 9-15 is not a repetitious prayer to recite word for word but an outline to be used in prayer
24 Most translations put the word judge which is improper as we make 100's of judgments every day of life. A judgment is simply a decision, as where this verse is stating not to condemn, which is the position of Yehovah alone. We merely make our judgments based on His written Torah.
25 The lawless gospel message that Christianity is teaching did not originate from the bible and when Yehoshua returns all those who have been practicing lawlessness will be cast into the lake of Fire.
26 Ps 65:7
27 Old wineskins have lost their elasticity, which represents the ability of a person to stretch his belief system to learn more. The analogy is stating that due to the Rabbis being filled with the man-made oral law, there is no elasticity to learn the truth.
28 The outer edge or tassel. The tassel was an identity mark to an Israelite and only worn by males. The blue thread was a sign of the Messiah to come.
29 The talmidim were sent to The House of Yisrael and after when the Sent Ones were going worldwide looking for the tribes of Yisrael in Diaspora, then also gentiles were able to join the covenant of Yehovah with Yisrael. There is no separate covenant in scripture with only gentiles. That was a false doctrine made up later by the Apostate church.
30 The good news message of the Kingdom of Yehovah did not have a price tag on it and was entirely different than the commercial, money making message of today. Pr 23:23, Eze 48:14
31 The soul is not immortal and can be destroyed. The wages of sin are death (Ro 6:23, Ezek 18:4, Ps 37:22)
32 This shows personal responsibility as the staff is a sign of mobility and protection.
33 In the Jewish oral tradition (takanot) it was stated that when the Messiah would come He would open the eyes of someone born from birth. He would heal the deaf and cleanse the tzaraat. Yehoshua's answer is functionally showing what 'He does', not just what 'He says'.
34 The Greek mistranslates this as children
35 It was lawful to pick grain if hungry, but not lawful to be harvesting your grain on Shabbat (Deut 23:25).
36 Over and over in the New Covenant the personal name of the Messiah (Yehoshua- Yehovah’s salvation) is emphasized.
37 Wheat and tares look alike when they are small but when they come to maturity the stalk filled with grain will bow in reference, where the empty tare will stand straight up, showing the difference of humility and pride.
38 All those who are against the Torah and practice lawlessness will be removed from the Kingdom and thrown into the Lake of Fire.
39 The Perushim had a specific way of washing the hands up to the elbow that was merely a tradition (takanot).
40 There was a Pharisaical rule that if someone dedicated money to the temple then they did not have to care for their parents. The hypocrisy was heightened in the fact that they never actually had to give the money dedicated.
41 Math 12:34
42 Keipha means small pebble and Petra means rock. The rock referred to is Yehoshua and the assembly is built on the belief of Him being the Messiah and son of Yehovah.
43 The very next thing that happens is the the transfiguration where the talmidim got to see a vision of Yehoshua coming in The Kingdom of Yehovah.
44 This story is told right after coming from Caesarea Phillipi, which is in the northern border, so the High mountain for the transfiguration is most likely Mount Hermon.
45 Clearly this was only a vision and Mosheh and Eliyah were not really with Yehoshua.
46 Yehoshua both confirms that someone later in the end times will come in the power and ruach of Eliyah (Mal 4:5) and also that Yochanan the Immerser also fulfilled being the for-runner for Yehoshua's first coming.
47 The witnesses are people who have actually witnessed the fault. If we have not physically witnessed something, then we should not give idle opinions as this is gossip and condemned in scripture.
48 This is not a democratic process, but since the person has refused to listen to the first person and also the witnesses, now it is simply the formality to inform the house of assembly that the person has been separated until repentance is made. The separation is both to protect the house of assembly from the sinful, unrepentant person, and also an act of love toward the sinner, as if he is not held accountable for the sin and does not repent, then he is in danger of losing his eternal life.
49 A miracle happens at the consummation of the wedding covenant where Yehovah has supernaturally joined these 2 people into one. No judge or piece of paper can change that, which is why the marriage covenant ceremony is still the oldest and only covenant ceremony in the world that still exists. Please study lesson 18 of the bible course on line at www.coyhwh.com.
50 Nowhere in scripture does Yehovah condone divorce and Yehoshua clearly states that if one leaves their covenant spouse and marries another it is considered adultery and if someone marries a divorced person both parties are committing adultery.
51 To the talmidim, Yehoshua's view was so rigid that they thought it better not to marry. This clearly shows that He was not teaching a watered down, easy out divorce policy.
52 The question and answer are very simple: in order to receive eternal life one is required to keep and obey the 10 commandments.
53 In a Kingdom, the King owns everything and although someone need not have guilt for being blessed with physical possessions, they must also realize that those possessions are not theirs and are only in their possession for the furtherance of the Kingdom of Yehovah. (Ps 24:1)
54 In Aramaic the word for camel and heavy rope are similar “Gamla” and “Gamala”, only differentiated by a vowel point which the Greek translator missed. Yehoshua was making the point that a heavy rope could not go through the needle but if you took it apart strand by strand one strand could go through, showing the rich man that he needed to distribute his possessions for the Kingdom.
55 In Jewish tradition (takanot) people drank 4 cups of wine on Pesach with each cup having special symbolism. The 4th cup was called the cup of salvation (Ps 116:13) in which only the Messiah could drink (Joh 18:28-30), Yehoshua symbolically drank this cup before giving up His ruach.
56 Bethphage means House of Figs
57 You can see a clear correlation to the fig tree in the garden of Eden to Yehoshua cursing the fig tree here and stating “let there be no more fruit to you”. The fruit of the fig tree in Eden was disobedience due to lack of belief and expulsion from the Garden, where Yehoshua as the second Adam was about to redeem man back to Yehovah by paying the penalty for rebellion and sin.
58 This was a trick question that seemed to condemn Yehoshua with any answer, for if He said to pay Caesar, then the Yehudim would have condemned Him for paying to aid the fight against fellow Yehudim. As where if He said do not pay Caesar, then he is being set up to be causing insurrection against the state. His answer was the perfect answer.
59 The seat of Mosheh was a chair that was stationed in the center of the Synagogue and used by the person who was teaching from the Torah. What Yehoshua is saying is when the Soferim and Perushim sit in Mosheh seat and read the Torah, listen to Mosheh, whom they are reading, but do not follow their actions as they do not practice what they are teaching. They have actually uncovered a seat of Mosheh from ancient times in the Synagogue in Korazim.
60 The Hebrew root of this word is prayer. In the Greek translation they use the word Phylactery, which became a borrowed word from Greek to Hebrew about the 3rd to 4th century. By the Aramaic using this word here proves the Aramaic must have been written before the Greek translation.
61 This is a reference from Genesis, the first scroll of the bible to 2 Chronicles, the last scroll of the Old Testament in the original order.
62 Yisrael is the fig tree (Yer 24:1-8, 29:17) The creating of a sovereign nation of Yisrael would mark the beginning of the end times and all would happen in one generation, verse 34.
63 This is indicating that there is a time in the end when true believers need to separate completely from the world and sanctify themselves as Noah did when he entered the ark 7 days before the rains came.
64 If you cross reference this verse with Math 13:37-42, it is evident that the ones who are being taken are taken out of the Kingdom to the Lake of Fire.
65 Today, many have gotten entangled with religious commercialism and have missed the true good news message of Yehoshua. It is interesting to note while the virgins with no oil (set apart ruach) are going out to buy from the marketers, the Bridegroom comes and shuts them out.
66 Each true believer has been endowed with spiritual gifts that must be used to produce fruit for the Kingdom of Yehovah. Elohim is created from the earth and this is a clever Hebrew idiom showing the man who was made from the earth had hidden his talents from Yehovah within himself and never used them to bear fruit for His Kingdom.
67 Yehudah is the only brother currently who has not embraced the New Covenant and can be considered at present the least of the brothers. So Yehoshua is judging these people in the end time by how much love and help they showed to our brother Yehudah. It stands to reason that Yehudah would have to be known to have such judgment and clearly debunks the false notion that Yehudim living in Yisrael today are not truly from Yehudah but are Czars.
68 The cup He mentions is the 4th cup according to the passover ceremony, which is the cup of salvation that only the Messiah can drink from (Ps 116:13). This verse also clearly shows that the Father Yehovah and His son Yehoshua are two separate beings with 2 separate wills that they have freely submitted to each other in love, goal and purpose and debunks the false notion that the Father and the son are the same being (Joh 8:17-18). There is one ruach, which they both possess, which can be compared to their mind and thought pattern, which is the same.
69 Joh 18:10 tells us this was Simon Keipha
70 This verse also proves the duality of the Yehovah family, as Yehoshua right now today is seated in heaven at the right hand of Yehovah the Father. Clearly, there are 2 thrones with each sitting on a separate throne. (Acts 2:33, 1Pe 3:22, Acts 7:55-56, Heb 1:3. Heb 8:1, Heb 10:12, Eph 1:19-20)
71 According to the Oral laws of the Yehudim if Yehoshua had blasphemed, then the penalty would have been scourging, but if He blasphemed using the sacred name Yehovah, then the penalty would be death. The fact that they quickly said He deserves death shows the sacred name was uttered by Yehoshua in verse 64.
72 The Greek translation inadvertently puts the name of the prophet as Yeremiah, but the Aramaic original simply says “the prophet” as this verse comes from Zechariah 11:12-13.
73 This verse has been greatly misquoted as the original Aramaic can mean to forsake in a bad way, but also can mean to leave in a good way, such as if you were an owner of a company and had to go away and left someone very trusted to care for your business while you were gone. From Yesha'yahu 63:1-9, we see that only Messiah qualified to redeem Yisrael and it is stating here the honor given to Him for His perfect life and sacrifice.
74 In the first covenant only Levi was able to enter the sanctuary of Yehovah as they were priests representing the other tribes, but now by the death of Messiah and fulfilling the payment of sin in the first covenant, it opened the way for the new covenant where all are training to be Melchizedek priests and now have access to the throne of Yehovah by their prayers, which are represented by the altar of incense Rev 8:3-4.
75 These were people who believed in Yehoshua as the Messiah but died during His 3 year ministry. Since only those who have the ruach of Yehovah will be firstfruits in the first resurrection (Ro 8:9-11) and the set apart ruach had not been given yet, these people were simply resurrected the same as Eliezar was as a physical being so they could receive the set apart ruach on Shavuot and then, they died later(Heb 9:27) and are waiting the Resurrection as all other true believers.
76 There was the set apart first day of unleavened bread and then, the weekly Sabbath that followed it back to back.
77 This is the first day of the week during unleavened bread, which is called the feast of firstfruits or resurrection and the start of the 7 week count to Shavuot.
78 The family name of the Father and the son is Yehovah. In the original Aramaic the word “name” is singular, so it is not referring to immersing in multiple names, but simply to immerse in the one family name of Yehovah.
1 In ancient times whenever a king was going on a trip he would send a herald first to fix the road and replace any missing stones and prepare his way for a smooth trip to follow. (See Malachi 3:1)
2 The biblical day is from sunset to sunset (Lev 23:32), so since the Perushim were rebuking the people for being healed on the Sabbath day, they waited till after sunset, which would have been the beginning of the first day of the week.
3 The questions at hand is why Yehoshua's talmidim do not follow the tradition (takanot) of the Perushim. The point that Yehoshua is making is that if we are going to be led into new truth by the set apart ruach, then we must be pliable to be able to stretch our thinking. The Perushim due to their oral traditions were already completely expanded to their limit of thinking and could not grasp any further ideas.
4 Deut 23:25
5 The Greek transliterates 'B'nai Ragshee' an Aramaic term as 'Boaner'ges', which is a word that does not exist in Greek, which clearly shows the Aramaic had to be the original.
6 The seed is the word of Yehovah.
7 Rev 14:14-20, Yoel 3:13
8 In the Greek translation the words “which is being translated “ are added, but are not in the original Aramaic, clearly showing which was the translation of the original.
9 An idiom meaning a complete break in fellowship and any renunciation of further responsibility.
10 Josephus states this was after their divorce showing that Yochanan considered divorce and remarriage as adultery.
11 A denarii was an average workers day wage
12 Between 3 am to 6 am
13 The tassel was a sign of identity and authority to a male. The blue thread worn in the tassel represented the Messiah. Tassels were only worn by males not females.
14 Korban was something devoted to Elohim, so the person is saying that he can't help his parents because the money has been devoted to Elohim. The hypocrisy is heightened as the person never actually had to give the donated money away.
15 Some English translation have added the words “making all foods clean”, which are NOT in any original manuscript, Aramaic or Greek. In the first century pork was not even considered food, and it is unthinkable in a completely Jewish environment to think that Yehoshua is telling His talmidim that they can eat pork and the Perushim would simply let it pass and not even condemn Him for it. It is clear from the context and also the cross reference of Math 15:16-20 that the subject is eating without washing according to Rabbinical tradition (takanot) and not even about meat at all.
16 There is judicial order to salvation. Right now Yehovah is redeeming His covenant with Yisrael and anyone who is a gentile must join the covenant of Yisrael, but in the Millennium Yehoshua will make covenant with all nations. (Is 42:1-4, Zech 14:16 )
17 This is another Aramaic word showing the original origin of the New Testament.
18 The beloved in Hebrew is “H’Daveed”, the name of David the King
19 Nowhere in scripture does Yehovah condone divorce and Yehoshua clearly states that if one leaves their covenant spouse and marries another it is considered adultery and if someone marries a divorced person both parties are committing adultery.
20 Children are innocent, teachable, forgiving, believing, and have pureness of heart.
21 Throwing away his beggar’s coat before being healed was a true act of belief as he was not legally able to beg without it.
22 Bethphage means 'House of Figs'
23 Yochanan was actually in line to be high priest but left his position for the wilderness, whereas some of the priests at that time were not even Levites, but bought into the priesthood. So if they condemned Yochanan, they feared the people would maul them for their hypocrisy.
24 See note on Math 22:21
25 This shows that winters will be more severe in the end time.
26 Indicating some form of an eclipse
27 This verse clearly shows that Yehoshua and the Father are two separate beings.
28 Since women were the bearers of water pots this could only be in the Essene quarter, where men carried pots due to the restriction of women being in that area, due to them being priests. In Yerushalayim today, the traditional spot of the Last Super room is in the Essene quarter.
29 Gath-Shemeinah means olive oil press
30 This was the first day of the week and the day of firstfruits or resurrection day when they started the 7 week count to Shavuot.
1 1 Chron 23:13 shows that the course of Abijah worked toward the later end of June. If Zachariah returned and Elisabeth got pregnant in early July, then Miriam the mother of Yehoshua would have been impregnated 6 new moons later or early January, making Yehoshua's birth 9 new moons later at the feast of Trumpets in 3BC. December 25 as the birth of Yehoshua only came much later in 325 AD by the pagan emperor Constantine in honor of the winter solstice pagan festival.
2 Means grace of Yehovah
3 A manger is a feeding trough cut out of stone and looked like a Jewish burial place. In the Jewish custom the dead person is also wrapped in burial clothes. When Luke states that Yehoshua was wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger he is telling us that He was born to die. Tradition states Yehoshua was born in a cave which would also parallel the same setting as when He died and was placed in a tomb in a cave.
4 Yehovah is a family name consisting of Yah Yehovah the Father and Yehoshua Yehovah the son. The Aramaic very clearly brings out this point.
5 This showed the poverty of the family as they were not able to afford a lamb (Lev 12:8).
6 The name Yehoshua means Yehovah’s salvation and clearly in the Aramaic this is a play on the name Yehoshua with the word salvation.
7 At 13 a boy had his bar-mitvah and became a full member of the religious community. In ancient times this would have been considered His 13th year.
8 This equates to 27 AD
9 This is Miriam’s genealogy as the Talmud tells us that Heli or Eli was Miriam’s father. Since women are not named in a legal genealogy, Yehoshua goes next to son of Heli as father of Miriam and His grandfather.
10 Yehoshua's true lineage through His mother Miriam is through King David to his son Nathan, as where Joseph’s genealogy in the scroll of Mathew is through King Solomon. This was prophesied in 1 Kg 5:5.
11 Each time Yehoshua fought The adversary by quoting the Torah.
12 Amazingly enough a 2,000 year old fishing boat was found in 1986 in this very spot on the Sea of Gelilah, showing us that the same belief that Keipha, Ya'akov and Yochanan had to show back then, we also have to show today.
13 There were 24 orders of priests who served 2 weeks a year in the sanctuary. One week starting after Pesach and then, after all 24 orders served one week each, they would start over, this is the first sabbath of the second rotation of that order. All 24 orders served at the 3 pilgrim feasts of Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot.
14 Christianity today has replaced the message of Yehoshua about the Kingdom of Yehovah, but we can clearly see that this was the message that Yehoshua always preached.
15 On the eastern shore of the Sea of Gelilah
16 This is the same word used at times for soul and again shows the soul is not immortal but can die (Ezek 18:4)
17 If one looked back while ploughing, the ox would take him in all directions and so is the person who constantly doubts his calling, he is unstable in all his ways Jac 1:8.
18 The priest and the Levite feared that if the man were dead they would be ceremonially unclean by coming near him, instead of being encouraged to try to save his life.
19 Although justice and love take precedence, tithing is not to be neglected or one is stealing from Yehovah, Mal 3:8-10
20 Some translations use lawyers
21 Some translations use lawyers
22 More than almost anything else Yehovah hates people with a false accusing ruach. Pr 6:16-19
23 Can also mean doubtful
24 Repentance is always a prerequisite for forgiveness.
25 Can also mean iniquity
26 Dan 12:1-2
27 The good news today is primarily to the Northern tribes of Yisrael (Math 10-5-6), but in the end time Yehovah will also work with Yehudah again, Zech 12:10.
28 There is a great cost to discipleship that has been mostly lost in the watered down false gospel message being preached today. This verse is not saying that you cannot have physical things in your possession, but that you must realize all belongs to Yehovah and use anything you have for the Kingdom.
29 It is stunning with verses as clear as this that Christian ministers can still try to claim the the Torah is done away with.
30 Eliazar was the servant of Abraham (Gen 15:1-2) and this parable is about gentiles having the same covenant promises as Israelites.
31 Neither of these men were taken to heaven upon death, but both were buried. Being in Abraham’s bosom simply meant to be in his protection and have the same covenant promises that he did. Num 11:12 shows Mosheh using the same terminology to Yisrael. Also see Joh 1:18. Abraham did not go to heaven upon his death (Gen 25:8), but is still lying in the tomb of Machpelah in Hebron.
32 This word sheol simply means the grave or dirt that he was buried in. When he lifts his eyes, there is no time element explained but clearly this is the second resurrection (Rev 20:11-13).
33 He is having mental anguish as he realizes that he is not in Yehovah’s Kingdom and is about to be thrown into the Lake of Fire. If he was already burning in the fire, then it would be most odd that he is only asking for Eliazar to give him a drop of water and not buckets to put the fire out. The analogy is the water is representing the set apart ruach and the rich man was not seeking the set apart ruach from Yehovah.
34 Since there is no consciousness in death, the rich man has no idea that thousands of years has passed since he died to the resurrection, and he has no idea the great gulf that is mentioned is the people inside the Kingdom to those who were cast out. (Luk 13:27-28, Rev 22:14-15)
35 The parable is about the resurrection
36 Another strong verse giving the authority to receive eternal life based on obeying the Torah. Clearly, if one is not prepared to obey the Torah and prophets, then they are not a true believer in Messiah who rose from the dead. (Joh 14:15, 21. Mal 4:4-6. Luk 24:13-16, 24-27).
37 A rhetorical question that can only be understood truly in these faithless end times that we live in.
38 The Hebrew word for Sycamore is 'Shickma' and means redemption, showing about the change that was to come.
39 This word means cheerful endurance, constancy.
40 This verse clearly shows that the Pesach was killed on the beginning portion of the 14th of Aviv. Some have falsely assumed that Yehoshua died at the same time the lambs were being killed, however scripture never states this, and while Yehoshua is being crucified, the chief priests were there mocking him (Mk 15:31-32). If the Pesach lambs were being killed at the same time that Yehoshua is being crucified, It is highly unlikely that the priests wouldn't have been at the temple.
41 Yehoshua ate the Pesach on the beginning of the 14th of Aviv according to scripture Ex 12:6.
42 Yehoshua was crucified in a living tree, not on a dead piece of wood. The wood He carried to the crucifixion was the cross beam in which the sentence of the criminal was written and hung above him. Crucifixions on crosses were done in Rome, but Yerushalayim had no hard wood forests for such death sentences as Josephus tells us at times there were up to 500 Yehudim a day being crucified during this time. The crucifixions took place on trees and actually several trees were found in Yisrael that were used for ancient crucifixions at this time period.
43 The timing of the verse is that Yehoshua was speaking to the thief on that day, and promising him that sometime in the future he would be in paradise with Yehoshua. Yehoshua could not have been promising the thief to be in paradise that day as He Himself would be 3 days and 3 nights in the grave.
44 This was the set apart day of Unleavened bread, not the weekly Sabbath (Joh 19:31)
45 Another clear proof that the Sabbath commandment was still binding after the death of Yehoshua. One must remember that this good news message was written by Luke some 30 years after the crucifixion and if the Sabbath was no longer binding it would make no sense to make such a strong statement in support of it.
46 The seven week Sabbath count to Shavuot
47 This shows that Yehoshua was resurrected sometime the night before, “as it was still dark”, and he was already gone. The sunrise service resurrection theory is adopted from pagan sun worship and not scriptural.
48 If this is the third day since the crucifixion, then it would be impossible for the crucifixion to be on a Friday. Counting back 3 days from the afternoon of the first day of the week brings us to a crucifixion on week day 5 (Thursday) afternoon and then, there was a set apart day on Friday and then, the Sabbath to follow and Yehoshua was resurrected on Saturday evening, the beginning of the first day of the week and the feast of fruit fruits as He was the first of the first fruits (1 Cor 15:23). He perfectly fulfilled the first-fruit ceremony and that is why He could not be touched by Mary Magdalene until He ascended to heaven to officially be accepted as the first-fruit offering for Yisrael. (Joh 20:17)
1 In the beginning in Hebrew is “B'resheet” and Yochanan is paralleling the scroll of Genesis and showing Yehoshua being a part of the creation process with Yehovah the Father. The Aramaic word for 'word' is miltha and is not easily translated but can also be manifestation or substance.
2 Yochanan is clearly pointing to Yehoshua's preexistence with the Father and also that Yehoshua was with the Father creating all things. If you look at all creation accounts in scripture there is always a duality to Elohim in creation consisting of Yah Yehovah the father and Yehoshua Yehovah His son. Yehovah is a family name. Elohim is a plural word also. (Gen 1:26, Eccl 12:1, Ps 149:1, Is 54:5)
3 Again, showing Yehoshua being a part of the creation process in Genesis.
4 This clearly shows mans' wonderful potential from Yehovah to become a literal child of His (Ro 8:11-17). It also shows that to reach this potential one must surrender his will to Yehovah and accept the sacrifice of Yehoshua and enter covenant through His name (acts 4:12).
5 Showing that this sonship process does not come through physical birth, but through joining covenant with Yehovah.
6 Yochanan wrote this last good news message in the mid 90's AD. At this time Gnostics were claiming that all flesh is evil and the Messiah could not have been born in a human body. That is why Yochanan starts by showing the divinity and eternal existence of Yehoshua with the Father, and then, also shows that He put aside His divinity (Phil 2:5-8) and was born in human form.
7 The purpose of the Torah was never to give salvation but to teach us how to live (Ps 119:105). Only the shed blood of Yehoshua can justify someone and pay the penalty of their sins.
8 Clearly showing that the Father Yehovah and the son Yehoshua are two different beings, but are united by the one ruach of Yehovah. They have fully submitted their wills to one another in love, goal and purpose. This also shows that the one whom Mosheh saw in Exodus was Yehoshua, the Messenger of Yehovah (Exo 3:2), but not the Father Himself. (Joh 3:13, 5:37, 6:46, 1Joh 4:12)
9 Deut 18:17-19
10 Another clear scripture showing the preexistence of Yehoshua.
11 This term, which is almost used exclusively in Revelation is also used by Yochanan the Immerser here.
12 This comes from the Hebrew verb 'hayah” which means “to exist” and Yochanan is clearly making a connection to Yehoshua being the 'I am “ of Exodus.
13 In Hebrew Yonah means dove and Yehoshua also stated the only sign that He was the Messiah was the sign of Yonah (Math 12:39-40)
14 The Greek manuscript then has the words, ' “which is being interpreted the Christ”. This clearly shows that the Aramaic was written first and the Greek translated from it.
15 In Hebrew Bethsaida means House of the fishermen.
16 Wine was a part of every day life in ancient Yisrael as mixing water with some wine would kill the bacteria in the water. Also, in scripture it is also a sign of happiness and joy and blessing and was used in the daily temple rituals. Of course over indulgence and drunkenness were forbidden by scripture.
17 Accordingly to the priestly rule only stone water-pots could be used for religious washings as they are natural, whereas clay were man-made and would not be able to be used in religious ceremony.
18 A small village just north of Netzeret and known for pomegranates. This wine could have been pomegranate wine.
19 Yehoshua always went to Yerushalayim at feast time according to scripture (Deut 16:16).
20 If Yehoshua were here today He would be appalled at the marketing of the good news message by Babylonian greedy ministries today.
21 The Perushim knew that Yehoshua had come from Yehovah, but due to their selfish ambitions to keep power they totally rejected His authority from Yehovah. Many so-called ministers are doing like-wise today. Is 8:20 is a clear litmus test to who is a true servant of Yehovah.
22 This is referring to being born again from the dead into a glorified spiritual body as Yehoshua was when He was the firstborn resurrected from the dead. Being immersed into covenant relationship is merely when we are begotten and is the beginning of this process, but one is not truly born again till the resurrection. (1 Cor 15:48-53, 1Joh 3:2 Col 1:18).
23 This clearly proves point 5 above.
24 When one is born of the Ruach Ha Chodesh (ruach) then he would not be bound by the degenerating human body or the wicked nature that it personifies.
25 The dead are not in heaven but are sleeping in the grave waiting the resurrection. Joh 1:18 Acts 2:29, 34, 1Cor 15:50-52, Acts 7:60, Joh 11:11, 1 Thes 4:13-15 Yob 14:13-14
26 The way to receive this everlasting life is to fully surrender one's life to Messiah as King of the universe and master over our lives.
27 This name is Yehoshua meaning Yehovah’s salvation.
28 This is just south-east of Beth-Shean
29 Yochanan was the last Old Testament prophet, but not part of the bride.
30 The reference here is about animal sacrifice. Samaritans had an altar in Mount Gerazim for sacrificing animals and the Yehudim had theirs in Yerushalayim. The word in Hebrew for sacrifice is “Korban” and means “to draw closer to through relationship”. Giving your precious animal to Yehovah was an act to draw closer to Him. The context has nothing to do with appearing before Yehovah at feast time in Yerushalayim as Yehoshua Himself goes up to Yerushalayim for the feast in chapter 5:1. Even in the millennial kingdom all nations will appear before Yehovah in Yerushalayim at feast time (Zech 14:16). Also see note on 1Kgs 8:33.
31 The only time that the fields would be white (harvest ready) at summer and yet not harvest-able still for 4 new moons would be in a Sabbatical year. 27 Ad to 28 Ad was a sabbatical year.
32 This was according to the Pharisaical law not the Torah.
33 If Yehoshua was not also Elohim this would be idolatry.
34 All life comes from Yehovah and this verse is stating that Yehovah also gave Yehoshua the authority to give eternal life to others.
35 The word for “heard” can also mean “to listen or be attentive to” and in context is a better rendering. The Israelites physically heard Yehovah speak (Ex 20:1) but never listened to His commands.
36 This word can also mean to trace. It is like a connect the dots picture, when you connect all 300 messianic scriptures together there is only one person in the history of the world who accomplished fulfilling them all, Yehoshua H'Masheach.
37 Yehoshua means Yehovah’s salvation. Jesus has no entomology and in Hebrew there is no letter 'J'.
38 5 is the number of grace and when you add the 2 fish you have 7 the number of perfection or completion.
39 A reference to the 12 tribes of Yisrael and 12 being the number of complete government.